✋ DEI hire
👉 DUI hire
DUI hire, haha. That one’s funny.
Totally stealing this.
When you want to do something that helps nobody, it isn’t a victory when you pull it off, it’s a loss for more people.
Your fucking country is more worried about an immigrant with a dream than a juvenile idiot with an arsenal.
Fucking slurry of hate and stupid that is the USA is going to get billions killed.
As an American that voted for Harris, I’m truly sorry. I did my part but many of my community didn’t or chose more evil. I’m sad about what is likely to happen to everyone and hope there are things I can do to help others in need.
yup. to use a little southern US crudeness - we shit the bed and are preparing to roll in it.
Yay. Now we have a drunk nazi running our military and defense.
Did they turn off the doomsday clock?
We will be invading Mexico by summer after they install the draft back into place.
Nade co is back on the menu
That’s getting updated next week actually, Tuesday.
Things are about to go from bad to worse.
Worse to Fucked
Bunch of spineless sycophants.
I know someone who’s getting absolutely TANKED tonight
But he promised!
Someone buy this guy a drink to celebrate his confirmation… it’s our only hope.
Not to worry, I’m sure he’s already got a flask or 3 on him right now. Maybe we should install a breathalyzer on the big red button.
God fucking damnit, america! Get your shit together!
So many of us tried. I promise we did.
They got their shit together, all America’s shit is well packed together into the white house!
And the Supreme Court, and now the Capital building with Congress.
Too late.
That ship has sailed. We’re in survival mode now.