“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
Ask Canada… oh, wait!
Just picked up 2 dozen local eggs for $9.99CAD.
Help? Help? What happened to wanting to be a proud independent country that don’t need no allies.
This is why we HAD allies. Had. To assist with the largesse we consume as Americans. You don’t get to swing your orange dick around at the world, offending and assaulting every ally, and then ask for help.
Hold the line Denmark. Don’t pull a fucking Australia. Fuck those guys.
Do not help us. This is what we deserve.
What’s ironic is that from all countries he is asking Denmark. Greenland is Ann autonomous territory under the kingdom of Greenland.
I heard that before asking Greenland he was asking Canada as well.
Is he trying to neg us by threatening our sovereignty and then asking for a favour??? Most high schoolers know better than to fall for that. Like, get real.
I think that’s the point. Bullying/Threatening countries and then “asking” them for help. Then if they don’t oblige he uses it to booster support for the bullying and threats. Similar ordeal with cutting aid to Egypt and then asking them to take something like 1.5 million people in from Gaza that Trump doesn’t want on their homeland.
Get on your knees and beg, donny.
As a true American, don’t help us with eggs, it’l hurt your country in the long run. Let us suffer so we can get our heads out of our asses and purge the nazis.
Oh now Trump wants allies?
Recognize the passive voice: “The US has reached out”. They don’t say Trump reached out or the Trump administration reached out.
Denmark, from who they want to steal Greenland. They are obviously terminally stupid in Washington.
Canada here. Our eggs are cheap.
You want em?
Take your trade war agression and shove it up your ass!
You want to take our sovereignty away?
<intentionally drops an egg while smiling>
Brb going to throw eggs across the border
Aim for a Tesla
Is this some kind of sick joke?? Get fucked.
only if you kick russia out of Ukraine.
The world: How much are your eggs?
Trump: $100
The world: Sure we’ll help… that will be $99.
So Trump can’t get it under control. Got it.
Lay your own eggs, turkey looking cunt.
If we did, we couldn’t import them and charge a tariff to bleed our people dry one egg at a time until they are broke and slaves on the corporate plantation.