yes because they dont have great games. sony and nintendo both know at the end of the day its about the games. while yes i know “everyone” hates exclusives thats what sells the console at the end of the day. why should i pick console a over b or c? a and b are competitive on specs bot a has more exclusives and exclusives that are good while b promises exclusives down the road but hasnt delivered in a while. and c makes good games on underpowered, by todays standards hardware. theres little reason to buy console b even if it has other multiplatform games.
I’ve been done with Xbox for a long time, I finally bit the bullet and sold my system
I was done since 360, I don’t remember any exclusives I had to play that was released on xbox.
I adored the original XBOX but when 360 and PS3 dropped, one was a literal toy with everything stripped down and sold as proprietary extras, and the other was an amazingly powerful and open entertainment system with state of the art tech from out of the box.
Then yeah, the exclusives sealed the deal for me.
counterargument: Halo 3
Xbox has ads on the home screen. Playstation only has ads when hovering over the store.
No way, you must be kidding. Ads on the home screen sounds disgusting.
As a PC gamer I have exactly zero incentive to buy an Xbox. I hope they never renege on releasing every Xbox exclusive simultaneously on PC.
Xbox i think really only appeals to people without a PC or not having one that can run games good
I game on PC but I understand the appeal of an Xbox. GPUs have been insanely expensive, and while not necessarily hard, building a PC can still be an overwhelming rabbit hole to research as you try to find the best configurations and deals, and even though it’s improved a lot, PCs are still more prone to messing up since more configurations are harder to test.
I bought the OG Xbox and haven’t looked back, despite having PCs powerful enough to run AAA games over the years. I just prefer console gaming and don’t want to deal with the baggage of a PC.
Comfort of my couch + TV on my Series X far outweighs whatever improvements sitting at a desk provides.
Xbox comes with comfort, and to me that is priceless
you realize you can use pc from a couch too right? That’s what I do fr fr, have it connected to my desk and my tv so I just switch inputs and I’m off to the races
I sit down, push one button on my Xbox controller to turn it on and another once more to play a game.
It is just a world easier to play a game on a console than it is on a PC. I’m sure we can be objective about this.
It’s really not objectively worlds easier though. With a smart setup, it’s a difference of literally 1-2 taps on my phone screen and then I put my phone down beside me and grab my wireless controller and the rest of the experience is identical, only it has all the benefits of a PC (unlimited fps, zero ads, no reliance on subscription services, streaming services, etc). For 90% of end users yeah it’s easier because they think you have to sit at a desk with a wired mouse and keyboard to interface with desktop PC hardware, but that’s a plebian problem tbh.
sure, but in the spirit of objectivity, you realize that you can just boot a pc into big picture mode and its ready to be used entirely from the couch right? All you have to do is press the power button on your pc and its ready to go
The fact that consoles still deal with ‘console war’ bullcrap is exactly why console gamers continue to lose out.
They withheld cross-play for "reasons’ for 10-15 years… they have zero respect for the user. I just wanted to game with my friends when I was younger but now fuck you. At least that got fixed, but their mentality has not. Make a product, make it good, and people pick what they need based on WHAT THEY ACTUALLY NEED.
If Starfield (and to a lesser extent Fable) is a success, you can combine that with Xbox having the cheaper option “Series S”, and I think Microsoft and Sony will be far more on par at the end of this generation.