• Veedem@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The guy was their landlord for two years and suddenly decided to murder them? What kind of sick fuck stabs a 6 year old until they die? Fuck this guy.

    Edit: and he stabbed the poor baby 26 times?! What a god damn monster

  • roofuskit@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Plainfield is full of these people. It used to be a haven for the KKK. The high schools had racially motivated brawls as recently as the early 2000s and I don’t get the impression things have improved since Trump was elected.

    • PainInTheAES@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I lived there and went to high school there from 2008 until like 2018. I didn’t get the impression that overt racism was an issue in school although I could see micro aggressions being a problem.(I am white tho) But I do know the people that stayed in Plainfield after graduation and I could see it getting worse. It’s also far enough from “big dangerous Chicago” so I wouldn’t be surprised if it attracted a certain kind of person.

    • TheRealKuni@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Kill all republicans.

      Yes, othering and dividing our society further will surely solve this problem. Keep seeing people who disagree with you on some things as identical to the outlying monsters who murder six year olds. It definitely isn’t a tactic used to control people or anything.

      • Huxleywaswrite@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I don’t see them as “others” because they have different beliefs. I see them as “others” because they have willingly allowed propaganda to radicalized them into believing we don’t deserve the same rights as as them, which gives them an excuse to see us as less than human. When they don’t believe we deserve rights and are less than human, this happens.

        Stop putting the blame on the people defending themselves and their rights and place it on the aggressors. But clearly the enlighted centrist knows better…

        • TheRealKuni@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          But clearly the enlighted [sic] centrist knows better…

          You don’t know me. Not that I need to defend myself, but I’m not a centrist. And I make no claims to enlightenment.

          No, all I’m saying is to be careful about dehumanizing the people you disagree with just because you think they dehumanize you. Pity them and their sad, closed-minded world, but don’t forget that they are human just like you. With their own set of desires and interests, just like you. With their own insecurities and fears, just like you. With their own beliefs and values, just like you.

          And they might be surprised, if they got to know you, that you share far more than you don’t.

          I’m not saying you need to tolerate their hatred. Fuck that noise. But I think it’s extremely important to remember that the common Republican voter is not the dipshit storming the capital, or the fucknugget attending Trump rallies, or the cowards in white hoods or tactical gear. No, the common Republican voter is your neighbor down the street with whom you get along great, but have never gotten deep with. Who never puts out a sign because there are more important things to them than political affiliation.

          And yeah, I desperately wish I could get through to some of those people. To make them realize the things they fear are phantoms, that we are being told to rage against one another rather than the profoundly oppressive economic system we labor in that drains us of our wealth while pitting us against one another. To make them understand that drag shows and bathrooms are a distraction from far more important topics, straws their overlords throw them to grasp at now that they’ve gotten Roe v Wade overturned.

          Just be careful not to fall for the same thing they do.

          • Huxleywaswrite@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Then go talk to them, quit demanding that the left to be more patient and forgiving to people who actually want to kill them.

            You may not identify as a centrist, but you’re pushing their views. If your don’t want to be one, it sounds like it’s time for some self reflection.

            • TheRealKuni@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Then go talk to them, quit demanding that the left to be more patient and forgiving to people who actually want to kill them.

              You clearly need to work on your reading comprehension. Extreme outliers might want to kill you. Average Republican voters don’t.

              Also here you assume I’m not also having conversations like this with people on the right; I assure you, I am. Most of my family are on the right, and I get to constantly remind them that the left doesn’t want to sexualize children or traffic teenagers, doesn’t want to put litter boxes in classrooms, and doesn’t want to murder infants, but rather that those are extreme fears presented to them by their bubble to control them.

              You may not identify as a centrist, but you’re pushing their views. If your don’t want to be one, it sounds like it’s time for some self reflection.

              You also don’t know what “centrist” means if you think listening to people different from you and understanding them makes someone a “centrist.” If my beliefs are leftist but I don’t fear, hate, or otherwise dehumanize people on the right, that makes me “centrist”? If I think the US Democratic Party is far too right to make the kind of changes I want to see happen but I also believe we should neither fear nor hate our fellow human beings who believe differently, I’m a “centrist”?

              (All of that said, even if I were, the idea that being centrist is bad and would invalidate my position is a laughable false dilemma that fits very neatly into what I’m saying about fear and hatred being used to control populations.)

              I’d like to point that self-reflection back upon you, my friend. Please read what I’ve said again, but this time be more open-minded—a quality I assume you consider important in a person—about the whole thing.

              • Huxleywaswrite@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                And two weeks ago, you would have called the 71 year old man in this story an “average republican”. You would have told his tenants to be patient with him and try to understand his fears, not lump him in with “the outliers”.

                And that’s the problem with your viewpoint, everyone on the other side is “average” until they aren’t, and then its too late. Quick making it comfortable for them to be average-ly bigoted and hateful. Quit putting the work on the left, when we aren’t the ones oppressing and killing people. Start blaming the right for what they support and work towards.

                And since you clearly have nothing to say that’s worth listening to, I’m just going to go ahead and block you.