It’s in early access but if you have a PC with a decent CPU it’s definitely worth checking out. It’s an open world, procedurally generated murder mystery game. The scope of the generated world is mind boggling, to the point where the murder suspects sometimes go to store to buy the murder weapons, and leave fingerprints there.
I really want to check this game out, but I just do not have the time right now. It is so up my alley though. So it is on the wishlist.
How does the end-game work? Like, do you solve your mystery and then start a new run? Or what’s the actual structure there?
Finding the murderer can get pretty difficult (like when all you have is an initial and the murderer’s shoe size) so it can take a while depending on your difficulty level. When you finally solve a murder you can either wait until the next murder happens (in the same town) or take a job from your closest notice board. Or just dick about in the city, it’s an open world after all.
I haven’t done many side jobs myself yet, but I have heard that one of them (public humiliation) involves throwing a pie into a target’s face so I’m pretty hyped to try one of those.
You can also try to steal stuff from other people’s apartments (the devs made every apartment in the city a fully furnished area you can enter) so you can afford a better apartment for yourself and the upgrades that you can buy for it.