That must be creepy³ :0
That must be creepy³ :0
If you can do that more Power to you!
But I can understand that some People now look with diffrent eyes on his work or simply can’t make that cut between Author and his work.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I have not read anything from Gaiman, but I can see that lots of People really liked his books and the Person he showed the world.
So I just want to say, I’m really sorry for all of you. Even though Gaiman can rot in Hell, I feel sad for people who just got their favorite Books and stories poisoned.
I pay you to stay off!
And what has this to do with being German?
I’m as German as you can be. I voted for none of these Parties and are actively fighting Nazis on EVERY FUCKING CORNER ,for example, I just helped to publish an Article about Nazis in our Trade schools, will this get me expelled? Maybe! But I did it and would do it over and over again! And then you come along and say stupid shit like “you’re just being German.”
“(…) you’re just being German.”
This statement in itself is being an enormous generalization of ALL 83.500.000 Germans, which is racist in itself.
" (…) rising AfD party wants to deport Muslims"
Which was followed by the largest uprising in modern German history. And let me tell you the People on the Street were… German :O
If you want to criticize our Government do as you like, I have no stakes in this shitshow.
My Party is not (yet) in the Bundestag.
But I fight Nazis tooth and nail on every possible front I can reach. And I’m not going to take such an unreflected and uniformed Statement about what “German” is from someone who can’t even read our language and pastes his worldview together from Global Press.
And I’m by far not the only one. Many Germans fight their Family, Friend and Colleagues about these topics EVERY FUCKING DAY.
How dare you to disrespect us like that?! WE are here! WE do our part! And WE are Germans!
So shut your racist mouth!
Unbelievable how many People can give an in-depth analysis from an Ocean away what exactly the Problem is and how to fix it.
How about you start by not electing Musk and his Sidekick as President?
That would be a good start and a lot of help for everyone.
How about you stfu?
You seem to have no Idea what you are talking about.
Okay, time to go. If is not even willing to CONSIDER that RFA might be bullshiting on this picked-up Article from The Sun, then I don’t want to spend my time here.
This is the same shit as with Tankies, just in blue.
He WANTS to believe.
And I might want to leave this Community.
Not because of the Article, but because of the behavior of its Admin.
there is no check on the border or anything, so it’s not a big problem if you live across the border from everything else you go to everyday.
And that’s one of my favourite things about the EU/Schengen-Area 🇪🇺
I don’t know if that’s count, but I spent one Summer almost every night playing on an almost dead private WoW-Server with my Brother and my best Friend. Since we were only 3 People and the Server was almost empty, it felt like we had the whole World for us. This was such a fun time back then…
Not exactly; The Danish minority in Schleswig-Holstein is a recognized political group within Germany. Their party, the ‘Südschleswigsche Wählerverband (SSW)’ (South Schleswig Voter Federation), is even exempt from the 5% rule.
So I read it more like he recognized these “exiles” as Danish, which they are.
Yep. That sucks.
Okay wow :0 This is nearly 1:1 what a Friend told me. They left Ukraine for Germany in the early 2000s and now they watch exclusively Russian Television and even broke contact with their family in Ukraine because “They are Nazis who want to kill Russians”.
I can confirm this is absolutely insane.
But sadly not the first time I heard about something like this.
Some of my friends told me on separate Occasions that their Parents ,they are 1st Generation Immigrants to Germany, support our far-right Party AFD. And are simultaneously angry with the racism they encounter.
Propaganda works.
So this is a reason for a war of aggression?
I mean Hitler had the same narrative about Polen.
Why not ban eyes?
So noone can see any woman!
How about a Life reenactment?
I, as Citizen of Germany by birth and Law, invite Elon Musk to Nürnberg. We bring some Judges and a Rope.
Come on! Say something about the USSR!
I have a strong dislike for Websites where the first thing I see is a big “Donate Now”-Button.