AI-generated child sex imagery has every US attorney general calling for action::“A race against time to protect the children of our country from the dangers of AI.”

    1 年前

    Well maybe psychological help may not be the right word in English. But there are still treatment shown there.

    For the rest fueling the child addiction is the same thing as porn addiction in what I tried to explain.

    Both adult porn and underage content could be “related” in the sense of addiction, but different in the category of content.

    For an addiction, like porn, it is hard to get out because it becomes an habit (it can be compared to gambling…). And changing the habit is very difficult. It becomes impulsive.

    A solution to get out of such addiction, is to find another habit (in addition of adequate treatment or therapy). which will take the place of the porn addiction.

    A could be similarly be translated to aldult/child content.

    As stated in that study, most of the people considered attracted to childrens also have attraction to adult partners/content.

    … studies have shown that only 7% of pedophiles are exclusively. The vast majority of pedophiles are therefore non-exclusive and have sex with adults in 93% of cases [2].

    So a possible way could be the replacement of the child content with adult content.

    Which is where the investigative journal I talked about comes in. I don’t remember where and when (not something I look for…). But they went and interviewed a special medical house where people could be put, or go to get help and treatment.

    I don’t remember the %. But they found some success for people not falling back into children content.