For those who might ask “What does that even mean?”, this is what I’m reading that triggered the question:
Recent can mean the most recent you can remember, even if it was years ago. Interested in what y’all might say.
I worked for basically a cult.
It taught me invaluable lessons about humanity and how easily people can be manipulated. Now anyone who has that “influencer” atmosphere about them is persona non grata to me.
Definitely some lessons to be learned in that environment - sheesh. No matter how bright you think you are, EVERYONE can be manipulated. All it takes is the right set of conditions and the right stimuli.
I hope you got out unscathed, and not too cynical.
I agree with this completely. It was like the Milgrim experiment where all of a sudden you’d wake up and realize you and the people around you are completely different than you thought. Luckily the spell did break.
Cynical af now, but I try to redeem the past by not contributing to or permitting those environments anymore.
I appreciate the well-wishes, though. Getting better all the time 👍