A government watchdog agency in France has ordered Apple to withdraw the iPhone 12 from the French market, saying it emits levels of electromagnetic radiation that are too high
Uhhhhhhh I’ve mostly blocked it out, but maybe? It was just some dude that yelled a lot and I vividly remember being in the car when the soliders or whatever had recently been beheaded (it was on the news cycle?), and he was like “hrrr drrr people are trying to keep the truth away from 'mericans!” so he aired part of the audio clip of them being beheaded???!?!
Uhhhhhhh I’ve mostly blocked it out, but maybe? It was just some dude that yelled a lot and I vividly remember being in the car when the soliders or whatever had recently been beheaded (it was on the news cycle?), and he was like “hrrr drrr people are trying to keep the truth away from 'mericans!” so he aired part of the audio clip of them being beheaded???!?!
idk it was fucked.