We need to get back to teaching science literacy and critical thinking in schools.
The problem is… funding.
But most people have always been science illiterate. It’s just that now we’re (as a a whole) explicitly electing/listening to people who don’t value that literacy either.
It’s not funding directly, that’s just a symptom in the chain. Governments globally are intentionally stupifying their populations.
Just throwing money at schooling without addressing the rise in fascist authoritarianism will just end with generations being taught absolute nonsense (creationism, flat earth, etc.)
The problem is… funding.
But most people have always been science illiterate. It’s just that now we’re (as a a whole) explicitly electing/listening to people who don’t value that literacy either.
It’s not funding directly, that’s just a symptom in the chain. Governments globally are intentionally stupifying their populations.
Just throwing money at schooling without addressing the rise in fascist authoritarianism will just end with generations being taught absolute nonsense (creationism, flat earth, etc.)