Anyone who’s seen what happens when mods legitimize trolls knows it kills communities. I wish i could have stayed on blahaj but it’s just as toxic as reddit lgbtq spaces now…
I was just correcting your misrepresentation of drag’s neopronoun. Asking someone to call you dragon fucker every time they referred to you would not be shorthand. Plus, drag’s username was dragon rider where I’ve seen drag.
Anyone who’s seen what happens when mods legitimize trolls knows it kills communities. I wish i could have stayed on blahaj but it’s just as toxic as reddit lgbtq spaces now…
It is? What happened to blahaj?
There was a person insisting on using the neopronouns ‘dragon fucker’ and the mods decided to honor that.
No I am not making this up.
This is not true, the neopronoun was ‘drag’. Sorry you’re so caught up on what people want to be called. 🤷
And drag was shorthand for?
I was just correcting your misrepresentation of drag’s neopronoun. Asking someone to call you dragon fucker every time they referred to you would not be shorthand. Plus, drag’s username was dragon rider where I’ve seen drag.