People are free to make an account on .world of they want to.
But that doesn’t mean that cancers like .world or .ml shouldn’t be excised before they kill the rest of the fediverse. Disinformation should never be tolerated.
Any that aren’t focused on spreading disinformation or trolling, i.e. practically all of them, except the three or four usual suspects.
(Well, there are also some that are focused on becoming echo chambers, which I don’t find amenable either, but these ones tend to defederate themselves, so they’re harmless.)
People are free to make an account on .world of they want to.
But that doesn’t mean that cancers like .world or .ml shouldn’t be excised before they kill the rest of the fediverse. Disinformation should never be tolerated.
Your views are quite extreme and aren’t shared by most. Interesting that you group .ml in there too. Tell me, what instances do you find amenable?
Any that aren’t focused on spreading disinformation or trolling, i.e. practically all of them, except the three or four usual suspects.
(Well, there are also some that are focused on becoming echo chambers, which I don’t find amenable either, but these ones tend to defederate themselves, so they’re harmless.)