Chrome and Edge make it simple to ‘install’ pages, so they’re easy to pin to the task bar. PWAs for Firefox gives that capability to Firefox, but it’s a bit brittle, and breaks easily if Firefox updates. It’s broken again for me tonight and the usual ‘reinstall this reinstall that’ hasn’t fixed it.

In my opinion Firefox took a significant backwards step when they killed that feature years ago.

I appreciate I might not be the target audience for Lemmy since I’m half Windows half Unix, and a Gmail / Keep / Calendar / Facebook / Messenger user.

    2 months ago

    It’s not broken - It’s an add-on that has to be updated every time that Firefox updates. The devs seem to not like it much since it is basically a workaround, but I’ve been using it for a couple years now with no issues. It can be tedious to update/reinstall every time FF updates, but It’s not so bad.

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