are mods privy to this behavior and are there any tools at their disposal to combat bad faith ‘brigading’ as such?

    14 days ago

    I don’t think DVs matter all that much. Actual interaction (comments) is much more rewarding. I think DV are more about knowing reach—who has read a comment or post to interact with it. If you get no votes and no comments you might wonder if it’s worth the effort if no one is seeing them.

    Someone else suggested not showing DV separately, but I suggest the opposite. 10 UV and 8 DV look like only 2 UV but you actually had ten people like your post. So mine are split and I only really pay attention to UV. Particularly on the occasions when I know I’m saying something unpopular and I’m going to get DV, those UV are the folks who silently agree but maybe didn’t want to take the heat for saying a thing.

    Beyond that, if folks are responding to you with comments, even insightful disagreements, IMO that’s a much more rewarding interaction.

    And lastly, maybe look at your posting habits. If this is a big problem for you, it might be worth examining if there’s something you ought to do differently.

      13 days ago

      not showing them separately would remove the information about how divided users opinions are about that post, post with 200+ and 100- would still look like 100+ which would convey wrong impression about users opinions. Its quite effective way to silence one side of the opinion pool.