what if you are only granted 1 downvote per 2 upvotes you assign-- this would have a triple effect of promoting a more positive site-wide image and make downvotes twice as meaningful while also preventing abusive brigading of users-- just a thought- is the idea even feasibly applicable?

  • fallowseed@lemmy.worldOP
    12 days ago

    its just a casual suggestion, i am more curious about what it would look like- what it would do to promote a different behavior… while the stuff about being singled out and targeted is something i’ve experienced- if i were truly thrown off by that tactic, i’d leave, but i don’t see why this conversation must be about that and not the suggestion itself- do you think a system like that would work in the way i picture it? can you see any reason it would not work in a small testable environment? not looking for counseling, not trying to change the world to my preference, not on a crusade to punish people-- but it seems i’m easily caricatured as ‘caring too much’ or being ‘weak/soft’ in so many words.

    • Acamon@lemmy.world
      12 days ago

      As a casual suggestion, it’s fine by me. I like the broad idea of encouraging people to upvote and encourage stuff they want to see more of, rather than focus on down voting stuff they don’t agree with. But I suspect most people already upvote much more than they downvote so the ratio of 2:1 wouldn’t affect many people’s behaviour (although be interesting to see some stats on that!). And my prejudice is the small number of chronic downvoters would work around any rule, just like the freekarma subs on reddit.

      So putting aside the technical difficulties, it seems like a change that wouldn’t substantial modify general behaviour, and wouldn’t prevent bad actors (although it might make their lives a little more hassleful, which isn’t a bad thing). I think that’s why people have been suggesting psychological solutions, because developing a lemmy culture where people don’t care about points is probably less effort and more effective than adding ratios that don’t change much. But it’s not an awful idea, and if it was introduced it wouldn’t bother me. Tbh, I’d be fine with removing all up /down votes and we could go back to forum style of actually writing what you liked or didn’t about a post.