Thought I’d ask this because I want to discover more foods from across the world
(Also I shouldn’t have to say this to americans, please state where you are from and state where you are from without acronyms or shortened names because I’ve seen US Defaultism on lemmy and not all of us are going to know your acronyms considering we’re global users)
German here. I don’t know if its reaally local, but mine would be a family dish called “Holzfällerpfanne”, the “lumberjack skillet”. It’s made out of fried potatoes, slices of apple, Champignons, fried onion, fried cabanossi and cheese on top (a lot of it).
So you basically slice all ingredients, fry the raw (and peeled) potatoes for a few minutes, add in the champignons, wait a few more minutes, add the apples next, and after another few minutes add the onions and cabanossi. When everything is slightly browned, spread a good amount of cheese on top, cover the pan with a lid and wait until the cheese is fully melted. Tadaa!
Deciding when to add which ingredient so everything is perfect at the same time is kind of key here, so it may help to fry the onions und cabanossi in a seperate pan to not overdo them.
Google search has gotten really horrible lately - I can’t find an English recipe for this one, or even a clean enough web page to use translate. Lots of random unrelated results though
Germany (Rhineland Region) I would go with “Mettbrötchen” even though it’s so plain it’s so unique in its style
Yeah raw pork definitely is quite unique haha
I tried looking for this but google won’t give me an English recipe for it
There is really not much more to it than I described. The amounts of the ingredients can vary and there isn’t one “right” ratio to follow. Here are some additional tips that might help, though I haven’t made a Holzfällerpfanne in a long time so no guarantee:
I hope this helps! :)