The EPA’s announcement on Wednesday that it would find the narrowest possible definition of the word “water” for regulatory purposes was just one of dozens of ways it plans to attack environmental protections during Trump’s second term in office. Supposedly meant to spark some sort of “Great American Comeback,” these actions would mainly bring back an era of poisoned skies and waters while hurting the very economy they’re supposed to help.
Holy fuck. How is anyone supposed to treat that as anything other than open class warfare? This doesn’t even have the decency pretend to give a shit.
It’s mind boggling.
Are they all sterile? Are their children all absolute abominable pieces of shit who they deeply hate? Are they simply sociopaths? Or they’re deluding themselves that their kids and grandkids aren’t going to suffer from this crap as well as mine…
Baby boomers would eat their own children at the first occasion
This is not a generational issue. Stop deflecting to a false enemy.
To those who didn’t pick up on it (like me), EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency. That’s oniony. A rotten onion.
Now renamed Environmental Pollution Agency