• Neil@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    When I was around 6 or so, my mom and I went to her friend’s house. Older lady in her 50s or so. I met her and said hello, and then apparently I looked upstairs and said “Who’s the man up there?” After being asked to describe him, my mom’s friend said it was an exact description of her husband that had passed away a year ago or something like that. I’d have to ask my mom for the details. It spooked the hell out of both of them, but I barely remember it.

    I’ve had a couple other weird situations, like being in my apartment on the toilet and the shower curtain batting around. I swore it was one of my cats in the shower batting at it, so I tore it to the side to see which one, and no cat. It spooked me so I tried to replicate it and find out if it was airflow, etc, but I never could figure it out.

    I also used to be a ‘roving’ janitor, which is basically a substitute janitor, so I’ve cleaned a lot of very old spooky schools. I heard laughing in a boiler room at probably the oldest school in my city. I got brave and went down there and found nothing. That was a horrifying night.

    Now, I’m not saying ghosts exist. The evidence for them existing is all extremely weak, but I wonder if there’s brief moments where something involving time happens that we don’t understand yet. An overlapping of sorts? I don’t know. All I know is I’ve had some weird situations.

    Edit: Just remembered another one. My wife treated me to a cabin for my birthday. It was an old 1800s cabin used by gold miners. Basically just a square brick structure with an original old fireplace. We brought a small fan and plugged it in to an outlet they had installed in there. After about 30 minutes of the fan running me, my wife, my mom, and my daughter all heard the audible ‘click’ of the fan turning off, and sure enough it was in the off position. We were all pretty spooked for the rest of the time in there.