Apple has acknowledged user complaints that iPhone 15 and 15 Pro phones are overheating, reports Forbes, but said that contrary to speculation, it has nothing to do with the phone’s hardware design. Forbes noted an update to Instagram has already rolled out with version 302, released September 27th, to address some of the issues.

    1 year ago

    We have people on YouTube reproducing these thermal issues or iOS 17 and iPad OS 17 devices. The new aluminum phones, old stainless phones, iPads, etc.

    There are clearly issues with iOS 17 and some apps that needed to be updated to play nice with the new OS.

    A lot of people are experiencing this because Instagram is one of the apps that was heating up logic boards with iOS 17. And in the case of the Insta example, Instagram should’ve caught this earlier. Meta clearly fucked up. People have been reporting this bug in the betas for months, it’s easy to reproduce, and they should know that auto update is aggressive AF on iOS