I see the human organism as a layering of different levels of consciousness. Each layer supports mostly automated processes that sustain the layers beneath it.

For example, we have cells that only know what it’s like to be a cell and to perform their cellular processes without any awareness of the more complex layers above them. Organs are much more complex than cells and they perform their duties without any awareness of anything above them either. And the complexity keeps increasing with various systems like endocrine, cardiovascular, etc. Then we have our subconscious and finally our conscious.

At our level, we do not consciously control any of the layers beneath us. Our primary task is to keep our bodies alive.

This got me thinking… isn’t it a little too self aggrandizing to think that we have a near infinite layering of consciousness beneath us and then it just stops at our level of awareness? What if there is some other conscious process that exists above us within our own bodies?

When people take psychedelic drugs they often describe achieving a higher level of awareness akin to ecstasy. Well what if this layer is always there actively ”living” within us but we are just the chumps that go to work, do our taxes, and exercise, while it doles out just enough feel good chemicals to keep us going (sometimes not even that)?

  • possibly a cat@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    When people take psychedelic drugs they often describe achieving a higher level of awareness

    Have you tried psychedelic drugs? Have you tried meditating?

    Yes, I do think that what we have typical conscious access to is only part of a larger cognition system - I but not I the way I experience myself. (Although the consciousness can be pointed to it.) And between awareness and experience lies the ego, coloring everything we think and see.

    Then there is the superorganism coordinating us through language, culture, pheromones, etc.

    We live in a narrow sliver of time, space, size, gravity, temperature, entropy, ecology, climate, and also awareness. We are completely unaware of 99% of what is going on in and around us, due largely to our evolution and biology.