Fear doesn’t work, we’ve known this for decades. If we know what positive steps are being taken, then we can support those or perhaps build on them if you’re able.

What about this?: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210310-the-trillion-dollar-plan-to-capture-co2 We know corporations are a big part of the issue. Are there ways they’re being regulated?

That fear based, helpless feeling needs to be shot down when ever we see people spreading that. We need to take action, but no one is talking about what we, as a single household, can do. I’m not saying we alone can fix everything. What steps can we do and/or how can we support people who are doing the right thing?

  • tallwookie@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    eh… realistically, there’s basically zero things an individual person can do.

    some common things that get bandied about are:

    • you could stop eating meat, but it isnt going to stop other people from enjoying a tasty triple bacon cheeseburger.

    • you could stop purchasing food that is grown out of your area/country/overseas, but that isnt going to stop imports from occurring

    • you could also stop using plastics but you’re going to have to join an Amish community to do it.

    • you could sell your car and only take public transport everywhere, but very few people are going to do this unless they live in an area where there is no parking, and our cities are designed around parking - and even then they will take a cab/uber.

    • you could switch all electricity use to renewable only but it’s out of reach for most of us unless you’re making 6 figures a year.

    the reality is that not enough people are going to willingly go back to eating only what’s in season, or avoid readily available animal products like honey, eggs, fish, cheese, or meat. it’s expensive to go full vegan, you need vitamin supplements to do it right, and you’d better get used to soups if you cant use fats (no butter, no coconut/palm/olive oil because it’s grown on the other side of the planet, remember?). love it or hate it, plastics are far too useful in basically every industry to abandon - literally never going to happen. renewables are great but to truly benefit as an individual from them you have to own your own land to install solar/wind capture, be wealthy enough to afford the very large equipment cost, and live on a part of the planet that receives a lot of direct sunlight. the wind doesnt always blow and solar doesnt work at night, so what do you do in the winter when there’s no wind and it’s been overcast for a week? bundle up buckeroo & enjoy your raw onions!