When you need to drop off your tech devices for a repair, how confident are you that they won’t be snooped on?

CBC’s Marketplace took smartphones and laptops to repair stores across Ontario — including large chains Best Buy and Mobile Klinik — and found that in more than half of the documented cases, technicians accessed intimate photos and private information not relevant to the repair.

Marketplace dropped off devices at 20 stores, ranging from small independent shops to medium-sized chains to larger national chains, after installing monitoring software on the devices. In total, 16 stores were recorded. (At four stores, the tracking software didn’t log anything, or the stores didn’t appear to turn the devices on.)

Technicians at nine stores accessed private data, including one technician who not only viewed photos but copied them onto a USB key.

  • JWayn596@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well it’s understandable that you think the predators are random men in white vans texting your kids, grooming, and abducting them, but in actuality, a ton of the major produces of CSAM are parents or family members.

    This doesn’t account for a smaller, but significant percentage of self-producers that post online because they’re following online sexual trends, innocently self-expressing, or self-exploiting.

    Having the goverment ban encryption will only undermine the privacy and security of law abiding citizens, and jeopardize national security. Parents don’t have to send messages to their kids really.

    The police won’t protect your child from your spouse.

    Banning encryption won’t do anything to curb this concern of yours, its like banning car locks because people could hide heroin in cars.

    I can empathize with your stance, but I have to tell you, that the “protect children” argument has been used to justify genocide, racial segregation, and so many other violations of civil rights within the last 100 years.

    • pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.cafe
      1 year ago

      Dude, I am an abuse survivor. I know more about this first-hand than you with all of your studies. Why do you think I’m saying surveillance is so important? The whole fucking point is it’s because family, neighbors, and people of high community esteem are the ones who do it. They’re masters of social dynamics and so without surveillance tools for the general public, they’ll never be caught and will continue to rule society from the shadows through mass rape, abuse, murder and oppression, especially of women.

      But you’ll be telling me my dumb ass is just biased, angry and bloodthirsty next. I know your stupid-ass playbook because I’ve heard this crap over the years.

      Try telling the kid next door whose mind will be permanently broken because her piece of shit sperm donor keeps sneaking into her room and diddling her every night that nothing can be done about it because he’s sneaky about it and she’s incapable of recognizing what’s happening to her is wrong, let alone reporting it herself. Tell her that’s what freedom means even if it means her innocence is sacrificed on the altar to the slaveowning founding fathers and if she doesn’t like it she can just go to counseling and learn to let that shit go (AKA go fuck herself like her daddy did).

      Go ahead and tell that to a quarter of all American women and a sixth of all of their men who have been raped in their lifetime and would have seen justice if they were allowed the tools to find and jail or at least kill their rapists themselves. Who are usually spouses or family.

      Or the thousands of families whose loved ones are being murdered on the street every year BY the tyrannical government which has always been tyrannical and always would have been because the dumbass framers failed to take into account the obvious genocide of Black people they were actively participating in.

      Tell all of those motherfuckers they have to be sacrificed on the altar to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to appease the freedom gods while we still are being surveiled and searched and murdered with no positive benefit, because that’s what freedom and rights actually mean to you.

      Feel free to write your own wall of text below so you can feel like you’re winning something, I’m not gonna read it:

      • JWayn596@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        And that’s why you would never be put on a jury Mr. “Hunt the predators and rapists down and kill them violently”.

        If I were in your position, I might be getting equally angry at the meer suggestion that privacy is important, but I would be wrong for being angry at the wrong topic.

        Anyway, this fight against encryption is going to lose, for the sake if journalists who report in hostile countries without freedom of speech, for the sake of kids with parents who’d kill them if they came out as trans, and for people in the intelligence industry.