I bought a “Buy It Now” item, payment went through. Two days later, I got an email saying I got a refund. I looked at the order and I looks like I indeed got a full refund. There are no notes or messages from the seller, so I’m not really sure what happened. Should I message the seller? Report that I haven’t received the order? The order does not show that it was canceled; it shows the Paid status, and awaiting shipping.

I’m honestly confused on what to do.

  • dan1101@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    They could have sold the item through another avenue, or for some reason had relisted the auction unintentionally, something happened to the item, or maybe they didn’t want to risk shipping to a new buyer. Only way to know is to ask the seller and hope for an honest answer.

    That’s not a typical eBay experience but I try to buy from sellers with a lot of feedback and 95% or higher positive.

    • loopy@lemm.eeOP
      1 year ago

      The seller has high ratings. I guess I’ll just try messaging them for an answer and leave a review about my experience if they don’t respond. I had some bad experiences with eBay in the past and seemed to have gotten better, but this makes me a bit more hesitant again.