The bad, although expected news is that according to Similarweb via Gizmodo Reddit traffic is back to pre-protest levels. The caveat is that some of the traffic might still indicate protests, (i.e. John Oliver pics). Most interesting:

However, Similarweb told Gizmodo traffic to the portal, where advertisers can buy ads and measure their impact, has dipped. Before the first blackout began, the ads site averaged about 14,900 visits per day. Beginning on June 13, though, the ads site averaged about 11,800 visits per day, a 20% decrease.

For June 20 and 21, the most recent days for which Similarweb has estimates, the ads site got in the range of 7,500 to 9,000 visits, Carr explained, meaning that ad-buying traffic has continued to drop.>>>

  • Wolf Link 🐺
    1 year ago

    Wait until after the proposed changes took effect. A portion of that traffic is due to content creators saving multiple years’ worth of their posts before pulling them from the site permanently, and once that’s done and they close their accounts, this type of traffic will die. The same applies to redditors trying to save as much content as possible from other people while they still CAN access the site, as a last minute tactic to not lose access to guides, videos, advice etc… Of course that leads to more interaction with the site - temporarily.

    (For example, it took me 3 full days to save and then delete most of my posts and I’m still working through the comments. I currently definitely interact with reddit way more than usual, but this will stop once I’m done and disable my account)

    I can not say how big that portion really is tho, but it IS something to keep in mind with the current situation. Not all current traffic is “business as usual”.

    EDIT / UPDATE: I’m done with the comments and closed my account. 31 pages worth of text saved and deleted today, and even after(!) reddit chose to display “there seems to be nothing here” in the comment section of my profile, still found 891 more comments of mine to delete. This means that my account alone was responsible for around 1k clicks today - just to put it into perspective how much traffic might be generated JUST by content creators saving their stuff before leaving permanently.