“We received some cases where the parents wrote the names of their children on the legs and abdomen,” Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Masri, the head of the emergency department Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, told CNN.

He said parents were worried that “anything could happen,” and no one would be able to identify their children.

“This means that they feel they are targeted at any moment and can be injured or martyred,” Al Masri added.

The black ink is a small sign of the fear and desperation felt by parents in the densely populated enclave as Israel continues to pound it with relentless airstrikes in retaliation for the October 7 Hamas attacks.

  • ubermeisters@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Fuck the Isreali government. And fuck my government too for funding it all while pretending to care about civilian casualties.

    I’m so mad that we have to sit and just watch this go down, seeing where it’s heading, and nobody is going to stop it apparently.