I’ve got a pretty severe sensitivity to – of all things – sugar. (I know, “sugar” isn’t very precise, but I’m pretty sure it’s either glucose, fructose, or sucrose.) I virtually never eat anything with added sugar or anything with any significant amount of natural sugar. And I’ve eaten that way for like 20 years now. I’m practically blind to half the produce department (any “sweet” fruits like apples, pears, cherries, grapes, oranges, etc) at the grocery store, let alone the candy isle.

  • Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Chef boyardee. I served some to my kid and took a bite cause I hadn’t had it in decades. That shit is vile. Was it always that bad and we didn’t notice as kids, or did they change it up and it’s awful now?

  • whenigrowup356@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Meat clearly isn’t gonna be a unique answer here, but it does have a weird effect on what it feels like to travel to different countries when your diet doesn’t revolve around animals.

    Where other people see tons of street food and opportunities for interacting with a culture, some places mostly just feel empty.

    Not meaning it in a judging way, but there are tons of places where I don’t really feel welcome.

    Also how is your butthole doing, bro?