• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Imagine engineering something that complicated only for it to be a disappointing product. I have no doubt it’s a step toward better products but at the same time they could’ve done better. Maybe spend more time polishing the actual parts that matter instead of creating the world’s most complicated weird fake blurry eyes?

    • Nyxon@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I don’t think it is a disappointing product, I think it is pretty amazing actually.

      Blurry eyes, yeah, that outward facing screen is an interesting choice but it makes sense with that they were going for. Based on all the tech in the Vision Pro I doubt that outward facing screen added much in terms of cost to the Bill of Materials but it is a nifty thing to try out. I’d rather have companies experimenting with this type of thing than only making predictable products over and over again with only minor improvements.

      I don’t think it is productive to bad mouth a product that you probably haven’t even tried yet and probably would not be buying anyway.

        • Nyxon@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          I own two of them, I have been using it extensively since I picked them up on Friday morning from a nearby Apple Store.

          But if that isn’t good enough for you, I also extensively read reviews before purchasing them and have continued to read other people’s thoughts on it.

          • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            If you spent well over 7 grand on 2 headsets you can only wear one of… You are the level of fanboy beyond cartoonish and there is definitely nothing that could break the illusion needed to justify that sort of insane spending.

            • Nyxon@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              Close to 10 grand actually.

              It may be hard for you to accept that this may be a useful product for a limited number of people but it is true, I am one of them.

              I explain more about it in another post here;


              If you want to keep shaming people for using the money they earned through hard work to justify your… I don’t know what it is you are trying to prove, it doesn’t really matter. I just find it kind of silly that you can’t accept that this product isn’t made for you.

              I for one applaud companies that are willing to try something different and to push the technological envelope to see what’s possible. I think your comments and negativity will be seen, in time, in a similar light to the naysayers of the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, AirPods and so many non-Apple products that ended up being incredibly successful.

              This is not a fully formed standalone product just yet, it is the beginnings of a new market segment, it doesn’t have to be your exact image of perfection for this product type, you need to crawl before you can walk and you need to walk before you can run. Give it time and there will be more universally appealing versions of this, let the bleeding edge adopters beta test this for you and in a few years I think you will owe them a thank you. I’ll be enjoying my time until then using my Vision Pros and giving feedback to Apple about how it can be improved upon to maybe someday win you over.

              • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                If you want to keep shaming people for using the money they earned through hard work

                Yes, the once in a lifetime that someone admitted to setting ten grand on fire, I definitely have no shame in shaming them for it. That is more money than I think is fair for most used cars…

                In 1994 I played rise of the triad in a “VR” headset. Since that time, we have barely progressed past that. This iteration is an absurdly complicated, severely overpriced hunk of heavy-ass junk just slightly better than some before it.

                To tell you the truth, 20 years from now when there’s an actually good version of this product, almost certainly not built by apple, I’ll only be interested if it’s not absurdly expensive. Maybe not even then, we’ll see.

                You are acting like you’re some kind of martyr for being a guinea pig and blowing a fuckton of money in doing so. That’s weird and sad.

                • Nyxon@lemmy.world
                  8 months ago

                  Ahh I see, you read my link to understand where I am coming from and why I bought them and also I see that you have the mentality of a teenager who is unable to understand that others may have different needs and different levels of consumer spending. Got it.

                  Well enjoy your life of shaming a mentally handicapped (autism & ADHD with severe sensory issues where this device very much helps diminish) professional documentary filmmaker who finds this device well worth the price. Committing $5,000 more for the second unit was also well worth the price to be able to run dailies with my editor who may be on the other side of the planet from where I am but we can share a virtual editing bay together in real time is much more valuable than the price I paid for that second unit. In terms of business, and especially my business, $5,000 is not a whole lot of money. It will pay for itself in terms of time saved within a month or less based on my average hourly pay. It is a good investment and I am sorry you can’t accept that.

                  I see you are committed to digging this hole for yourself and feel bad for the people in your life who are very tired of how subjective and stubborn you are, it must be very tiring for them to put up with you, I can very much relate to that in my brief encounter with you. Good luck buddy.

                  Oh, and, you seem like a very prescient business person with their finger on the pulse of the tech industry when you say that “we have barely moved past” the VR experience back you had back in 1994. Enjoy your myopic pancake view of the world my friend, I hope you change your mind because you are missing out on a pretty great world filled with interesting things that you have never experienced but have strong negative feelings toward.

                  • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
                    8 months ago

                    All of that being said. It would likely have been more wise to wait for the second generation (or at least a month or two for the shine to wear off and the bugs and bugbears to show their faces) before droppjng 10k on two of these things.

                    They are an incredible bit of kit, but they have their drawbacks and flaws already. Even Marques brownlee, the biggest apple fanboy reviewer, has said it’s amazing, but it’s very niche, and it’s not perfect. That it has some very nice points, but the tech isn’t up to speed with the vision. I believe he said something along the lines of it being the vision of the future on the tech of today.

                    I see that this device works very well for you, and the person you are arguing with is being dumb for not seeing that, but you must see that it works both ways. You are being a bit silly by claiming he is wrong when you are in the minority of specific cases that this VR headset works well for. Also, 3.5k is way too much to drop on one of these things. That’s a poor price point for what it does. It’s very “apple” to sell a product for 3.5k and just be like “yeah, no, thats what its worth” when if you give it a few months to a year the meta quest 4 (or some other companies VR set) will be out, copying a load of the tech and cool ideas (or more likely improving on the ones people like) but will cost half as much and wont be locked down to the apple ecosystem.

                    Glad its working out for you, but just like you said to the other commenter, “others may have different needs and different levels of consumer spending” to which i would add, the majority of people cant justify 3.5k on one of these, let alone almost 10k on two.

                  • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                    8 months ago

                    Your link didn’t and still doesn’t work.

                    Kind of weird to play the disability card like that. Even if your link worked and I was able to read about how this helps with any disability you have, that wouldn’t necessarily mean that dropping 3 times more money than it could possibly make sense to on this would be justified.

                    My point was that decades have gone by and basically 95% of the progress made toward decent VR has been made between 2014 and 2021. This device maybe represents another 2% bump. According to everyone but you, they’re still quite clunky.

                    Enjoy the drastically overpriced devices, and just btw the comment about how this wasn’t “that much money” turns my stomach. The privilege-o-meter exploded when you wrote that. The majority of the world’s population probably would survive for at least 1.5 years on that sum of money.

                    As for the weird online-person “I feel sorry for people who know you” shit, I would definitely go out of my way to not interact with someone so extremely out of touch with reality that they would gladly pay 10 grand for a drip of Apple’s latest buzz. I would strive for having friends who are opposite to that in every single way possible. I could be an asshole weirdo too and muse about how hard it must be for people who know you, but I’ll just leave things here.

    • nutsack@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I don’t think the blurry eye thing is a major important feature. it’s just the weirdest

      • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        That is literally my point. It took a lot to engineer that, which is seen in the teardown video.