The FX-produced Hulu series draws strong viewing numbers for the week of its season two premiere.

    1 year ago

    I love this show. Especially this last season and especially Richie’s episode.

    Everyone kept telling me to watch Succession and kept saying how good it was and I just hated it. The acting was good and the production was good but I hated all the characters, they were terrible people, and none of them grew or learned from their mistakes. It was just infuriating to watch.

    The Bear is the opposite. Horribly flawed people that all contribute to something greater than themselves and, in doing so, become better people as a result. All except Carmy. And that’s what makes the show compelling and balanced. He brings out the best in people and just can’t help but sabotage his own relationships and his own life.

    It’s really one of my favorite things I’ve watched in a long time that’s not sci-fi or super artistic.