Based on Ubuntu. Interface and functionality like Windows, users will not feel much difference. BRICS countries committed to their own Linux distributions. South Africa has been the exception.

    1 year ago

    Linux can be easy to use if it’s set up to be easy to use, and you have the right hardware. It’s the set up process that most people can’t get through on their own.

    I tried installing Fedora the other day with the provided installer, and it failed to even launch from USB. Then I used the same image and wrote it with Rufus instead, and it worked fine. But your average person wouldn’t know to even try that.

    Linux is almost never as easy to set up as techies make it out to be. And you can’t just hand wave issues like graphics drivers. Even after I installed the Nvidia drivers I still had to sign them manually so secure boot would actually accept them. That’s just too many hoops for most people.

      1 year ago
      1. secure boot is intentionally designed to lock out open source software as much as feasible within current legislation - turn it off and tell your HW vendor to shove it up their bum
      2. at least for debian, nvidia drivers are part of the non-free software packages that come with the OS repositories, installing them is trivial. And even the driver downloads directly from nvidia are usually straightfoward to install, I have used them in the past and the last time I had troubles with configuration fiddling is well over 5 years ago
      3. yes, installing Linux may appear a bit fiddly, however, it’s a TON easier than installing a windows from scratch. The only reason people tend to not see that is because everyone uses an OEM windows and never installs one