The share of women in the European Parliament has decreased for the tirst time ever.

The newly elected European Parliament consists of 61.3% male, 38.6% female and 0.1% diverse MEPs. But what does it actually look like in the respective member states?

This visual illustrates the gender balance between female, male and diverse Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in each member state.

Source: European Parliament

    3 months ago

    Considering the right-wing parties won most of the elections in Europe, I guess this isn’t too surprising.

    And the reasons for the swing to the right:

    • “the green backlash”, as voters think climate is getting too much emphasis (WTF? We are still up to our necks in cars and farmed meat); and they believe climate is not impacting them personally.
    • young people struggling to get jobs have the delusion that right-wing parties will fix that; (there may be more jobs… debatable… but surely they will be more of the low-paying shitty benefits varieties of jobs). I heard the nazi party came into power under the exact same drive: people trying to vote for more jobs.

    So as the older generations are voting left in attempt to not hand-off a burning planet to the young, the young have signed up for a burning planet by voting to the right.

    I hope the next 4 years of news reports gives all these stupid voters a daily dose of climate disasters.