Is there anything more pathetic than a used plastic bag?

They rip and tear. They float away in the slightest breeze. Left in the wild, their mangled remains entangle birds and choke sea turtles that mistake them for edible jellyfish. It takes 1,000 years for the bags to disintegrate, shedding hormone-disrupting chemicals as they do. And that outcome is all but inevitable, because no system exists to routinely recycle them. It’s no wonder some states have banned them and stores give discounts to customers with reusable bags.

But the plastics industry is working to make the public feel OK about using them again.

Companies whose futures depend on plastic production, including oil and gas giant ExxonMobil, are trying to persuade the federal government to allow them to put the label “recyclable” on bags and other plastic items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators.

    2 months ago

    Girl here, I’ve never tried a bar soap that didn’t absolutely ruin my skin. open to suggestions but not feeling all that optimistic.

      2 months ago

      after reduce is reuse. Try to buy refills. Its still plastic but if you buy larger contaniers the surface area over volume is smaller so less plastic then hope the next step recycle for your community is actually doing it or better if you can find another use for the empty larger containers but that does get difficult over time.

      2 months ago

      I have to admit thag I just never had problems, so I just use what ever I can get. I use vegan soaps, if that helps, but I can’t compare them to non vegan ones.

      I don’t know where you are located, but here we have dedicated body and shampoo soap bars. They are quite a bit nicer to akin than using normal soap. That’s all the advice I have to offer unfortunately :)