Dominos went away from Italy in 2022 after they couldn’t compete with the prices of the many (many many many) local restaurant who offered better quality products for lower prices
Domino’s in Italy?
The fucking audacity lmao
We recently went to Italy. Went to a local restaurant, three kids and us two adults. The kids wanted some specific pizza each, but they also offered a family Margherita for 14 bucks, so we ordered this together with the kids’ pizza, assuming us two parents could eat that and maybe some leftovers.
That fucker was huge. I think 50 cm diameter? The family pizza alone probably would have fed all of us, the regular ones weren’t small either. With prices being what they are, I’m sometimes happy if I can eat properly for 14 bucks in a restaurant. A meal for two for that price would be a good deal. Taking three kids to a restaurant for that price was a damn steal.
The next day the leftovers alone were enough for lunch and supper. The day after that we went back to the same place.
Lmao yeah the “family” size usually is for 4/6 people and is often referred as “pizza al metro” which means “pizza by meter” (as in a literal meter or 2 of pizza) and is usually bought for parties
Wendy’s can’t open shops in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg because there is a guy with a snackbar with a similar name in Goes that has the right to the name since 1995 in the Benelux.
The best part is that if they asked the guy nicely he’d be all too happy to struck a deal for an early retirement, but in typical American fashion they immediately showed up with lawyers and sued.
He made provisions since to ensure the US Wendy’s will never get that name, including opening more locations so that they’re now a “fast food chain” as well.
Doesn’t stop them opening up as “Hungry Janet” or something.
Burger King opened as Hungry Jacks in (Queensland?) Australia as “Burger King” already existed. But is also now trading under the “Burger King” brand in some places.
We have dunkin’ donuts in the Netherlands.
Yeah was about to say the same. Also, do we really have pizza hut here? Never seen one.
Neither seen Taco Bell that frequent, where are those?!
I know of one in Breda close to the train station. If you exit to the city center side and go up the stairs, it’s there to your right.
It’s pretty gross tho imo
The internet says there are 10 of them, so not a lot.
There is one in Eindhoven
I’ve seen one hidden in Den Haag, surrounded by kapsalon places
I saw one in Amersfoort, near Amersfoort Vathorst train station. Decided to try it once, and only once. It is disgustingly greasy.
Another unsourced map with probably heaps of inaccuracies. Everyone will becalling out errors in this map. I know at least one: Netherlands has Dunkin’ Donuts.
Can we have a rule against unsourced informational maps? They’re always wrong
You’re right, we probably need to be more vigilant against map misinfo in the future. This one seems harmless but of course there are more serious maps posted here too.
Fwiw, this map has a (very vague) source information:
And from what I could see, it seemed at least partly accurate—e.g. Spain has Taco Bell, but Germany does not. The major issue is that there is no year indicated here, so all information is probably pre-2022.
The mods of most communities seem to care more about traffic than about stopping the spread of misinformation and it hurts everyone.
I really wouldn’t mind, if they all disappeared.
Many of us who live in the U.S. feel the same way.
Not a lot of fake Mexican food fans in Europe I guess lol
They don’t have many real Mexican food restaurants either
i’m not gonna vouch for authenticity but mexican and texmex is pretty standard fare in pretty much any medium sized town (in Germany)
In Norway, taco is consumed every single Friday by pretty much everyone. We’re crazy about it. I eat it all the time.
It’s almost impossible to find good Mexican food though. Rumour has it a good shop has popped up in Oslo recently.
Our “taco” is a bastardization of tex-mex, which arrived in Norway in the 1980s and has lived a life of its own since. It is delicious, but calling it Mexican would be more than generous.
oh i know about the scandinavification of texmex.
my fave is my partner’s “tacopaj”. Absurd and absurdly delicious.Holy shit - it seems like the Swedes are getting the upper hand! I have never heard of this monstrosity before. I am in awe.
we also have taco gratin, which is equally tasty
As an American, I like White People Tacos, and I’m not ashamed of it. I’ve had proper tacos, too, and they are amazing, but it’s a lot easier to do White People Taco Night.
I’m going to say that’s not true for Germany, at least not in the north.
Hm might depend on size? Maybe its too spicy for the northerners :)
deleted by creator
Depending on your definition of “Mexican” food.
Taco Bell is definitely not real Mexican food! That’s why I specified “fake” lol
Reading comprehension seems to be lacking for me today.
For some reason I missed the „fake“ too lol
Even in more traditional Mexican restaurants in the US where the staff obviously grew up in Mexico, if you ask right (in Spanish!) the staff will admit they don’t eat there because it isn’t authentic.
Sweden does fake mexican well enough by itself. In fact, it’d be hard to be any faker.
Not really many mexican immigrants here so mexican food isn’t that big either. mexican food here is something you do at home for weekdays and it is often wheat tortillas with ground beef spiced with a ready made spice packet, salsa from a jar, perhaps also fake quacamole from a jar, cheese, french cream or often a local similar lower fat diary product i don’t know the name of in english, onion tomato and lettuce, sometimes also ketchup. Living in finland in my city there are taco bells(never tried and never will) and like 1 decent mexican restaurant(not authentic mexican but still actually good)
That’s why they had to re-film the taco Bell scene in demolition man for the European release
What was changed?
It was replaced with Pizza Hut - we had those back in the 90s
Humm. I only ever saw them in Taco bell. I’m in the UK though
We have Turkish kebab/döner, which fills the similar slot than Mexican food.
I doubt the accuracy of this map. I have never seen a dominos in Sweden and I’ve seen a few dunkin donuts so the map is, at least not fully accurate. Also didn’t McDonald’s shut down in Russia?
Could you please post a source for this map?
I don’t speak Swedish, but there seem to be plenty of Dominos in Sweden.
Edit: and no Dunkins since 2018
EditEdit: late to the party, wrote the same a few hours ago.
McDonalds in Russia, like most other companies, “shut down” in name only. All the same locations operate and sell the same burgers and fries, only the branding changed.
Now called “Вкусно и точка”, which roughly translates as “Tasty. Period”. Already known in folklore, by striking out the middle 4 letters, as “Вкус очка” - “Taste of asshole”. Also gave birth to some of the funniest street art I’ve ever seen: Warning, as NSFW as it gets
It’s all franchise, so McDonald’s doesn’t really own anything, and the ingredients are not flown in from america, so when they shut down officially in Russia all the franchisees just continued operating under a different brand, it’s not hard to see how that happened.
But they probably got their fries from McCain, their ketchup from Heinz, their soft drinks from Coca-Cola. One would assume that sourcing would be more of an issue, considering that all the companies McDonald’s usually sources from are American.
There is only a couple of Dominos in Sweden, on the west coast. Visited one in Gothenburg a couple of years ago. Dunkin went bankrupt and left.
It says Wikipedia in the bottom right corner.
source and/or age? It may be out of date.
On the flip side, it shown no Domino’s pizza in Latvia, but we have it now
This map is incorrect. Denmark has one last Pizza Hut in Roskilde and there’s literally a Dunkin Donuts in Cooenhagen Central
You have to be careful when you have a case of the dunks it spreads
And dominos shut down, no?
A little big wrong. Finland has had KFC for 2-3 years now.
I was in Nederlands a week ago and saw a Dunkin’ there. So this is wrong :O
Very true, those can be found occasionally; on the contrary you’d be hard pressed to find a Pizza Hut anywhere. As far as I can tell, there’s just two branches left in two major cities.
Map is either pre 2017 or wrong, Dunking opened at least 1 location in Switzerland around 2018.
There’s at least one in Basel now
I feel like a map of actual locations would be more informative than coloring the entire country because they may have 1 franchise location…
there’s Dunkin in Switzerland now
Denmark as well. It seems they’re taking over Europe.
Is it worth trying?
They’re decent donuts. coffee sucks though.
They’re not really all that good. But their presence might convince Krispy Kreme to try, which are significantly better doughnuts.
Dunkin has been in the Netherlands as well for a few years now.
Starbucks map is a joke for Sweden in any case. We only have two, both in central Stockholm.
Electoral college maps, now coming to Europe!
There are some in Luxemburg also, which the source doesn’t seem to know about. I.e. the data seems very outdated, or somewhat random.
The Netherlands also has this disgusting Dunkin crap.
They’re coming to France as well. Along with another donut chain, the name of which I have forgotten. The swarm of crap is never ending.
Correction, unless they’re doing different in Europe.
Dunkin (Donuts) is now a “coffee” chain that accidentally has donuts still
Do we have taco bell? I’ve never seen one.
I saw one in Utrecht a few weeks back, near Leidsche Rijn.