Sorry if my question was weird.

And no, I am not some human’s pet that just became intelligent and took over their Lemmy account. 😺

    1 年前

    No. There are already plenty examples of this. Thinking this will happen in the near future (100 years) is a fairytale.

    As long as you don’t have vocal cords capable of creating effective speech and you don’t have appendages with which is possible to create and use tools you’re fucked.

    Examples? Plenty, let’s go:

    Pig: As intelligent as a 6 year old. What we do to them makes Auswitz looks like summer camp.

    Dolphins: pushed into a bay and murdered by the hundreds. Thousands (millions?) die each year in the nets of our floating fishing factories. Their intellect is at least that of a 6 year old and most probably way more.

    Whales: hunted to virtual extinction. Way more intelligent then a 6 year old.

    Elephants: show clear sociological traits. Remembers stuff over a long time. Grieve over death. Hunted for their big ass teeth.

    Apes: our close relatives. Hunted for meat. Most species of them easily operate at 10-12 year old level. Can use tools but can not create them. At the current path they’re on in the wild (extinction). They will never reach the stone age.

    We rule. Harshly.