If I am driving on a road, and a flying saucer with a spotlight is hovering ahead waiting to land, do I have to stop in the roadway and yield to them? Or do they have to yield to cars in the road? I checked my states driving manual and they don’t mention alien air/spacecraft at all.

I would guess that the UFO would have the right of way, as traffic would have to eventually stop for them anyways. Should I just stop in the roadway and put my hazards on so the flying saucer pilot is aware I am yielding the right of way to them?

  • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    If its hovering above the lane and you can drive under it without crashing and it seems like it isn’t going to land or inte ding to land, there is no law requiring you to yield but I personally would try to switch lanes and not be directly underneath it.

    If it seems like it is going to land, I would yield to it same as a plane landing on a highway, but usually highway police are there to start a traffic break after being radiod by local ATC anyway.

    There is no need to put on your hazards, they can see that you have stopped. If they can’t, then it doesn’t matter since they can’t see you.

    I would honestly recommend trying to leave the area as quickly and safely as you can, because if it isn’t hostile already, it will be when the army arrives.