Long before quiet quitting, boomers rejected “working for the man,” says UNC sociologist Arne Kalleberg, “which is exactly what’s happening now.”

The ideal job of the 1950s looked a great deal like a marriage. As Fortune editor William Whyte wrote in his classic workplace study The Organization Man, by midcentury, the ranks of the rapidly growing white-collar workforce became filled with young men who had left their hometowns to devote themselves to their companies. It was an anonymous, bureaucratic turn for the supposedly ruggedly individualistic American economy. In turn, the employers, flush with profits in the postwar economic boom and wanting to retain their talent, offered a steady stream of promotions and carrots, like health insurance and pensions, that kept people tied to their employer. Then the job-hoppers arrived and consigned the organization man to history.

The dominant media narrative of the last several decades pinned the blame for this on Gen Z and millennial up-and-comers, often painted as the mercenaries who killed off corporate loyalty—ready to walk the minute they don’t get all they ask for, and the driving force behind the Great Resignation, “quiet quitting,” “rage applying,” and any number of similar workforce trends.

But the federal government itself has weighed in with new data that exposes this has been a lie. The original job-hoppers were none other than the baby boomers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, who switched employers at least as much, and possibly more frequently, than millennials did at the same age.

In particular, men born in the second half of the baby boom era, 1957 to 1964, had racked up an impressive 10 jobs by the time they turned 34, and averaged 12.7 jobs by the time they turned 56, the BLS noted in a recently released report. Most of that job-hopping, as one might expect, happened early in their careers, with, on average, just under one job per year between ages 18 and 24, more than millennials did at the same age.

“In the beginning of your career, you sample the job market, you look around and see what is available, and you don’t get into stability until you’re in your 30s or 40s. That is a pattern that’s always held true,” said sociologist Arne Kalleberg, who teaches at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Indeed, rather than belonging to a particular generation, job-hopping appears to be a byproduct of the modern economy: a behavior that most workers experience early in their career (something they often forget that they had done once they’re more established). Like Gen Zers today, millennials and Generation X and, yes, even boomers had to contend with accusations that their desire for meaningful work, decent pay, and work-life balance were unreasonable. In fact, the boomers initiated the rebellion against the “organization man” mindset of their parents, Kalleberg said.

“Young people in the late ’60s, and ’70s began to criticize this view of work, because it was part of the establishment. They started rejecting the materialism of their parents and saying, ‘we’re going to find self-actualization,’” Kalleberg said.

“They rejected this idea of working for the man, which is exactly what’s happening now,” he added.

More stable than their predecessors
If anything, compared with their predecessors, millennials job-hopped at a slower rate. According to BLS figures, older millennials—those born between 1980 and 1984—had held an average of seven jobs by age 28, one less than baby boomers at the same age. At age 34, millennials averaged 8.6 jobs, about one less than baby boomers at the same age.

Blame the 2007 financial crisis, the Great Recession that followed, and the excruciatingly slow “jobless recovery” that hit young people hardest. Job hopping is one sign of a strong economy—workers don’t move unless they have somewhere to move to. In the decade after the recovery and until the pandemic, “the labor market just hasn’t been as tight, so people didn’t have as many opportunities to switch jobs,” said Nick Bunker, chief economist at job board Indeed.

Another reason, economists say, is that today’s young people stay in school longer and take more time to formally enter the job market, which reduces the number of jobs they hold on average during their lifetimes. And the heavy student debt load racked up by young graduates has also likely made them less inclined to take risks by job-switching.

In fact, while some pundits today worry that the stereotypical younger worker is “disengaged” or “doesn’t see a future” with their employer, as Gallup wrote in a poll this year, it wasn’t so long ago that economists had the opposite worry—that younger workers don’t move around enough.

In 2016, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco highlighted “a pronounced decline in the job switching behavior of young workers,” and mused whether those workers were choosing job security “at the cost of diminished experimentation with different jobs.” That same year, another set of Federal Reserve researchers highlighted the trend at a Brookings Institution symposium, noting that “Less fluidity in the labor market leads to fewer opportunities for workers… and thus may have important implications for the macro economy in general.”

No more ‘organization man’
The data also makes clear that the archetype of the “company man” who stays in a single job for his entire career was well on the decline by the time baby boomers came of age. To be sure, some of the boomer generation who started working in the late 1970s and early 1980s had this experience of stability. But this was also the decade that ushered in massive de-industrialization, the transition from a goods to a services economy, the decline of unions that had protected workers and encouraged company loyalty, and the mass layoff as a corporate strategy. (One of the strategy’s early proponents, General Electric CEO Jack Welch, eliminated a quarter of the company’s jobs in the first half of the 1980s, Quartz notes.)

Against the backdrop of this ever-more-uncertain economy, it’s no wonder that younger generations have tended to switch jobs less and less. The decades of the early 2000s, in which workers stayed put more and more, skewed Americans’ perception of what a “normal” job market looks like, noted Indeed’s Bunker. “We got used to such low levels of quitting and job switching, that [after the pandemic] when it went back to where it was in the year 2000, people got angsty,” he said.

Outside of a layoff, job hopping has well-documented benefits for workers. Getting a new job is usually the easiest way to get a raise, with pay for job switchers consistently rising faster than for those who keep the same job, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. The young boomers who switched jobs nearly every year at the start of their careers saw annual pay jumps of 6.5%, the BLS found. Pay—the reason most humans work—remains a major motivator today. When consulting firm McKinsey earlier this year asked workers why they took a new job, nearly all groups gave the same No. 1 reason: More pay.

“Worker mobility—the ability to find and take another job—is at the core of worker power,” economists at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank, wrote last year.

Not only that, but higher rates of job-switching are associated with a more productive economy overall, according to a recent working paper issued by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

“Over the long term, people moving around and finding the best fit for their career is going to be a good thing for productivity,” said Jesse Wheeler, senior economist at the business intelligence company Morning Consult. “Ultimately we want people doing jobs they like as much as possible and they are good at.”

archive: https://archive.ph/Dt8kW

  • sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It wasn’t the employees who killed the “Company Man”. It was the companies themselves. Corporations value short term profit above all else, including long term stability. This means that the older, higher paid employees are a liability, not a benefit. So, they get shown the door the first time the line doesn’t go up. Loyalty is a two way street. If the company isn’t loyal to it’s employees, the employees won’t be loyal to the company. Once people woke up to the fact that the corporations are fully mercenary about employment, it was a natural reaction for the employees to become mercenary as well.

    This is also why every company pushes bullshit about “we’re a family”. It’s a bald faced lie to sucker gullible employees into thinking that the company wouldn’t gut them and sell their organs at the first sign of that making a quick buck.

    Every worker should watch this video at least once. It was speaking to designers, but is applicable everywhere.

    • dhork@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Corporations value short term profit above all else, including long term stability.

      It didn’t used to be this way. I mean, all Corporations need to be profitable, of course, and the successful ones are more profitable. But using Shareholder Value as the main (perhaps only) metric for decisions didn’t really come around until the 80’s and Jack Welch at GE started talking about it extensively.


      This focus on shareholder value exclusively also implies that Corporations do not have any responsibility to anyone except its shareholders. You can see the effects of this philosophy even today, where Republicans attack corporate ESG initiatives because they feel that they undermine this commitment to increasing shareholder value. It even extends to the Twitter mess: Twitter’s board felt they had to force the sale to Musk at the inflated price he offered because it was so much higher than the company was objectively worth, and would be the best return for its shareholders, even though they probably knew he would end up wrecking the company (and screwing over employees). They felt they could only make decisions for the benefit of shareholders, and not employees or users.

      • snooggums@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        all Corporations need to be profitable, of course

        This is not even true. In fact, the fastest growing companies are the ones that have the potential to be profitable in the future. The established ones that are run into the ground are often profitable, but it makes more money in the short term for vultures to dismantle and sell off the parts.

        The real issue is that the tax structure incentivizes terrible business practices that rapidly funnel money into the wealthy instead of rewarding ownership of businesses for that are successful in the long term.

      • SCB@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Republicans attack ESG initiatives because their constituents are hot garbage. Shareholders are the ones demanding ESG principles.

        Capital shifts have been the largest impacts on both ESG and DEI as well as green initiatives

        • dhork@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Republicans attack ESG initiatives because their constituents are hot garbage. Shareholders are the ones demanding ESG principles.

          You’re correct, of course. But they view that a public corporation’s sole responsibility is to increase shareholder value, not do what the shareholders say. There can be no other priority.

      • theodewere@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        for the benefit of shareholders, and not employees or users.

        there used to be much more focus on building a long term relationship with customers, at all levels of business

    • Chetzemoka@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Seriously. I watched both of my parents get their “good jobs” sold right out from under them to private equity firms that laid off all the older, more expensive workers immediately. I, myself, was laid off twice before I turned 28 years old.

      I have zero incentive to be “loyal” to any company when they so clearly will never be loyal to me. What a load of horseshit.

      • sab@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        This is literally the definition of a liberal market economy. Bust unions and make it easy to hire and fire, and what you’ll get is a highly mobile and vibrant but unspecialised workforce. Great for quick innovation like silicon valley, less great for traditional manufacturing that requires specialized talents.

        It’s all wanted politics - maybe more than anything, this is what they busted the unions for.