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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’ve heard that before but really wonder if it’s true. My last encounter with (I believe Mormons though it’s been a LOT of years ago) was while we were eating dinner. The front door was open with the glass storm door closed. They came to the door, knocked, then stared at us while we were eating dinner as a family. We stared back and they proceeded to knock another 3 times before leaving. I mean, regardless of what you are at the door for that’s just rude as fuck so how would they expect a nice response?!

  • So:

    The average reservation wage of U.S. jobs seekers — the lowest annual pay workers would accept for a new job — climbed to a record high of $78,645 in July, up from $72,873 at the same time last year, according to the survey.

    Combined with:

    Yet the average full-time wage offer received in the past four months was $69,475, itself a marked increase from $60,764 last July.

    So that’s a ~13.5% increase in full-time wage offers vs a ~7.5% increase in ask. This seems like a non-story then, yes? Inflation has pushed wages higher which has pushed expectations higher. However, the offer increase is higher than the ask increase so… Am I missing something here?