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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • What all do you consider “synchronizing” to include? I mean, the calendars won’t, but using Etar+NextCloud for calendar, and Tuta for email, has worked fine for me. Of course it means that my calendar isn’t encrypted.

    I just tested sending an ICS event to both. The Tuta app offered to open it on Etar, and Etar offered the default calendar with dropdown for others, just like normal. (Strangely it didn’t even offer to open on Tuta’s own calendar, which is in the same app; maybe because I’ve added no calendars there?) Proton’s app (which may be out of date, the mail app isn’t on F-droid, either publicly or in an official repository, and I’m a lazy updater) wanted to open it on Proton Calendar only when I don’t even have it installed.

    Proton’s bridge OTOH worked really well for me for syncing to Thunderbird, probably works as well for Office too.

  • First thing you need to understand is that the smooth end-to-end encryption works only tuta-to-tuta or proton-to-proton, so in rare cases. Encryption at rest, which is what tuta-to-proton, gmail-to-tuta etc. can do, is something that a lot of other email providers do too.

    I’m currently in the process of moving from Proton to Tuta, because despite several years of promises, the Android client for Proton still doesn’t do non-google push notifications. Also because if you just need email with your own domain, Tuta is much more price-friendly. (The tier also includes unlimited calendars and event invites, which I haven’t tried.) If you also want VPN and encrypted storage, the balance tips.

    I don’t use the calendar from either, so can’t talk for their properties. I prefer seamless calendar integration for wrist gadget integration and such, so using NextCloud Calendar + DavX. For smooth integration with encryption, could also look into Etesync. I think you’ll be able to share an ics attachment from either of those through your normal calendar.

    Germany is a 14-eyes-country, but since I’m just privacy conscious and my threat model doesn’t include international-coordination-level actors (barely state level, am in the EU but not German, so eh, far enough), it doesn’t matter that much to me. Proton also has to obey court rulings.

  • I think that for most, this was a shift from “mildly opposed” to “mildly supportive, and if you’re going to do it, do it now”.

    At least my pro/con list hasn’t changed, just the odds. I still think we’re more likely to be dragged into war somewhere far away than being attacked ourselves, and that the US is an unreliable ally. But those are acceptable risks compared to the chance of having the whole NATO having our back if there were to be war on our ground.

  • Depends on the situation, but IMHO you need to at least be willing to accept some responsibility in improving it, and it should affect how you deliver the criticism. (Even more kindly than usual.)

    If you’re in a position to criticise a finished solution proposal, you’re probably part of the team and could have offered your input earlier, when it was potentially even requested. Maybe they knowingly took a shortcut to be able to move on to the other tasks and meet deadlines. Maybe they took on the task outside their core skillset because someone else dropped the ball. Maybe they have banged their head against it for days and simply cannot find a solution that works on all levels, already frustrated. Is there a superior or colleague they could have asked for assistance? Are you the superior?

  • It comes down to how you define “soul”.

    Do I believe there’s a consciousness that transcends death or exists separately from our physical existence, no.

    But if you start talking of ship of Theseus/transponder incident/mind upload -type mental exercises, then yes, I believe “self” is an evolving pattern and a collection of experiences that could theoretically be replicated in another physical manifestation or even in a completely different medium. You could call that, too, “soul”.