• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I was a manager, and another guy was a more senior manager in another division. We both did IT. For some reason he didn’t like me and/or was trying to get our services moved to him, so he went to our director every week for over a year to tell him made-up stories about me.

    He eventually left after a lot of people realized he was a highly manipulative, but I still hear things that he told people as part of an explanation about why I was passed up “for this” or why I wasn’t right “for that.” It cost me a lot of raises, especially in cases where things were gossiped to other people and the source was lost. Now I’m only a manager in title, but my management responsibilities were taken away.

    Unfortunately, I’m caught in a ticking trap – another 1.5 years and I retire with a full pension for the rest of my life. Losing that by leaving isn’t worth it (assuming I live long enough afterwards).

  • We had fiber at our previous house for about six years, and it was great. The prices were lower, the speeds were greater, there were no limits… It’s kind of funny, because it was a college town of about 200K people in the middle of nothing else.

    Now I’m up in the suburbs of Chicago where a single town can have a 200K population, but fiber is nowhere on the horizon. Instead we get terrible service that’s constantly showing packet loss with slow transfer rates. We do still have unlimited, but with these transfer rates it doesn’t really matter. :)

    As far as monitoring traffic goes, I guess it depends on how you’re doing things. If your DNS requests are still hitting your ISP or aren’t encrypted, then yeah, they might know. I don’t know if they’ll care, but of course not all illegal content is treated the same.

    So basically a non-answer to your question, along with me saying I liked having fiber.

  • I loved Reddit until I realized they were just going to do whatever they wanted and the community, apart from creating free content and work, didn’t matter. But the lying about discussions with the app creator was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    Suddenly they weren’t just a bully, but they were a proven lying, dishonest bully. Everything that they say going forward will be suspect, so I decided to walk away. Who knows what they’re doing with my data/content. I know what they’re telling me. I don’t know what’s true.

    I deleted most of my posts from my nearly 14-year history except for a handful that I think need to stay up and a couple of others that I’m testing something on. I log in every once in a while to leave any groups that might have unlocked since I was last there and delete those posts too.

    I don’t hate them. But they’ve lost my trust, and I don’t see any way to regain it.

    There could have been other, better solutions. The biggest problem right now is that the only tool in Steve Huffman’s toolbox is a hammer.

  • I kept my account, but deleted most of my posts/comments from the past thirteen years unless I felt it was super important to leave them. Some I’m leaving while watching to see what happens with the subreddit.

    I’m done with Reddit though. I didn’t care so much about the API, but when they started lying about talks with the developer and then running roughshod over everything it became clear that they can’t be trusted. How do I know that I’m even being presented with an accurate view of the world – are the moderators hand-picked by Reddit to push an agenda? Can a corporation/government/political campaign buy moderators brokered through Reddit now?

    Too many questions with no good answers. So I’m glad I’m gone.