Outright theft?
Outright theft?
“pog” dude.
Doesn’t hold up?
I really need that on a Tshirt.
Thanks. Her wiki is… Interesting.
Who is Queen Dildo, please?
$15 AUD for 458ml of Ben and Jerry’s here. So, whats that, 3/4 of a pint?
Is that a valid and enforceable clause though, even if i clicked “i agree”?
Not for longer than isreal has.
The amount of people putting “unvaxxed” in dating sites is shocking. I mean i appreciate the heads up, like all aposematism, but it was genuinely surprising.
Not sure what you have against Furries. Id rather hang out with 100 Furries for eternity than a Christian for a week.
I dont have any advice, but this is well written, i like how you phrased things and i hope you find your person/people/hug. Good luck.
Target fixation.
I believe it means they will call you when they want you to work, but wont guarantee 25 hours a week ect. It will make it much harder for already struggling casual workers to make ends meet.
In Australia we watched American ISPs do exactly that and then we did the exact same thing with the exact same result because our politicians are corrupt pieces of shit with no backbone, integrity or ethics.
Ive been adding Jalapenos to margaritas and using tajin for the glass rim. Very nice change.
I love the fence analogy.
Single album by NOFX
Thanks dude, im an Australian, living in Australia but this whole “the non rapist, non fascist, non criminal guy who has a raspy voice, stutter, forgets a name guy is equal or worst to the Fascist, Rapist Paedophile Destroy the World cunt” is fucking nuts. America, grow the fuck up.