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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Ah yes that’s where their development resources for all the last 5 years went: fucking up the paid experience with minor tweaks and fucking up the free experience with major tweaks.

    I pay for this shit for my whole family and don’t know a service with anywhere near the same library, I’d jump ship in a heartbeat to a service with both a complete music library and a first-class podcast listening experience for web/PC users.

  • I’m not an Aussie and I’m not following this in particular, but from what I’ve seen that’s how bad ideas work: you don’t want to start a dialogue where the noes point out all the flaws in your ideas. In the US the extreme of this is legislation passed in a specially coordinated session at midnight with an absolute minimum of debate.

    With that said, why the hell does a budgeted program belong in a constitution and not in a regular legislated budget? And why the hell does one specific group need specific recognition defined at the level of a constitution, as opposed to broad rules changed in such a way that their specific exclusion is forbidden with a catch all that also benefits other minorities?

  • I think one key difference is that Israel has compulsory service for everyone. Like if in the 1770s the Torrey soldiers on leave held a music festival and they all got gunned down, I’m fairly certain the history books would not change substantially. It’s abhorrent, but if you were in the same situation - occupation by some analogous group to wherever you live who have overwhelming military superiority - would you give up your Identity and assimilate, or try to make them hurt? I’m absolutely NOT saying Palestinians are the good guys, I’m just saying I understand where they’re coming from.

  • Read what? You said I’m buried in macho fantasies.

    My owning guns has no bearing on domestic violence happening in a different household.

    You know yourself and know you are the kind of person who might use a gun on your own family. I know myself and have no such violent tendencies. The broader statistics may be relevant to the question of whether you disarm everyone wholesale, but are irrelevant to one individual’s personal decision whether or not they will defend their own lives given existing legal constraints.

  • You are correct. YouTube is tricky for several reasons, and hard to prosecute because the true monopoly is discovery (because everyone uses it).

    Content can be consumed anywhere, you can follow some niche creator on Patreon, but YouTube is realistically the only place you’ll discover them.

    YouTube chooses to demonetize and outright ban perfectly legal and normal content that happens to disagree with their politics. On it’s face this is okay, they’re a private company after all, but the insidious thing is that entire subjects may as will not exist for you know because YouTube bans them.