• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Well, in essence, propaganda is advertising. And advertising leans on satisfying perceived need.

    So if I’m selling you shoes it’s to satisfy your physiological, social, or self-fulfilment order need. Shoes are functional, make you cool, or make a statement.

    Propaganda is fulfilling some need to be effective - probably fear based in the social, safety, or belongingness orders, and carried via viral channels like word of mouth or social (viral).

    I haven’t really thought about it too much but it’s just a communication or a reinforced message; it’s just advertising. Think about it that way.

    And with regard to Russia, they are all ‘fear the West’ and ‘national pride’ driven, compounded over 3-4 generations. It would be such an easy spin.

  • I’m not. I’m aware of how selfish it is but something in my system of belief that I have (undefined? spiritual? no idea?) says that when I’m dead, I should be ALL dead.

    Like, if there’s any kind of afterlife, will leaving a functioning part me behind hold up the transition? This even sounds fucked up to me because I’m 100% not religious at all.

    I would just prefer all of me to be dead or all of me to be alive. Not fractions of both at the same time.

  • Let’s just call this what it is, and what it will always be until the end of time. Two religions forced to live in a shoebox together.

    Religion is to blame, both sides having their fairytale that is incompatible with the other side’s fairytale.

    I’m done arguing, fighting, defending or taking sides in any of it. Every ten years we rinse and repeat this bullshit and it’s over nothing more than the fictional stories of two man made books.

    And have no illusions, NO MATTER THE OUTCOME here we will be arguing about this same shit again in ten more years.

  • Housing prices, like everything, is determined by supply/demand. Interest rates are only part of the equation.

    The main reason housing is high right now is because of the supply side, and that’s low at the moment because COVID destroyed the global labor market and the supply chain, so materials are sky-high, with fewer people to do the work of building.

    Also, as the stock market tanks people move their money into safer places, like cash or property, hurting the supply side even more. This is what cashed up Boomers are doing (yep, we can keep blaming them).

    Housing prices won’t come down until supply outweighs demand.

  • Investment mortgage debt is good if it contributes to tax deductible claims. Owner-occupied debt is good if it’s managed properly. Both are good because you own an appreciating asset.

    Credit card debt is good if you don’t hit payable interest, leaving your money to work for you in other ways.

    Commodity debt is good if the market swings in your favour.

    Business debt is good if it results in surplus revenue generated.

    Education debt is good if it’s contributing to future and higher employment gains.

    Basically all debt is good if it’s managed properly and results in a net gain somewhere.