How do you get into norse paganism?
How do you get into norse paganism?
I call myself an atheist simply because I don’t believe that any current religious institution has the correct answer.
I’ve had mystical experiences and my own reasoning tells me that there is far more to the world than we are able to experience or even imagine.
But none of it corresponds to any religions I know of. The closest is maybe Buddhism, but I don’t think it’s the right choice for me.
And I’m not even sure if there are any Buddhist organisations out here in the norwegian countryside.
Guess I’ll just have to go through my existential crisis on my own.
I read tarot cards and I’m considering doing it professionally so I can rip off the gullible petty bourgeoisie.
Yes, Sarah. All the planets in our solar system has aligned just to give you a promotion. Now give me 20 bucks.
I’m currently reading it. I can see why so many people just leave it in the bookshelf.
It’s not a bad book, but God damn does it feel like running a marathon.