I write bugs and sometimes features! I’m also @CoderKat@kbin.social.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I recall ages ago having read a theory about this concept of compression. That most game worlds that we see aren’t literal, but rather are compressions of the world that characters experience. A city that we see might have just 5 streets, but that’s just the city being compressed to a manageable size. For what characters experience, there’d be hundreds of streets. And same thing for NPCs, as you put it. We mostly only see the important NPCs and a small sample of others, but there’s many NPCs that really are there for story telling purposes, they just aren’t shown.

    It’s a really good technique if pulled off well. After all, it’s really hard to have cities in game. You have to do something to limit it. Either padding it out, making most of it unvisitable, “compressing” it, or… just not having cities. Every option has downsides, but at least the compression approach optimizes for gameplay and your time.

  • I love BG3. It’s a very different game from Skyrim though. After all, that city is basically a third of the game. Plus BG3 has all kinds of travel and camera limitations that Skyrim doesn’t. That’s what lets them make the city truly seem like a sprawling city.

    By comparison, Skyrim basically lets you go everywhere and it has a far larger map. Skyrim chose the “big as an ocean, shallow as a puddle” approach when it comes to map design. Though NPCs are actually deeper than BG3. Skyrim NPCs have lifes, while BG3 is frozen in a moment.

  • Baldur’s Gate 3 has also done this very well. The build up to finally reaching the city of Baldur’s Gate really is worth the in game hype. The city is massive and the entirety of act 3 is spent within it. They use the standard trick of ensuring you can only visit part of the city, with much of the city being inaccessible but visible. That’s a great way to make the city feel like it’s actually city sized while still ensuring that the part you can explore can be explored in depth (as in, almost every building can be entered and is unique).

    As contrasted with the GTA approach where the visitable area is far larger, but you can’t enter most buildings and it’s more generic.

    I think it’s pretty hard for an open world game like Skyrim to achieve the way games like BG3 or TW3 do cities, though. After all, Skyrim basically lets you go everywhere, which makes it difficult to fake the size of cities. Skyrim also tries to have not one city but like a dozen cities and towns. I feel like if they wanted to make a realistic city, they’d need to really focus on a small number of cities (probably just one city and a few towns). I’m not sure of the Skyrim scale can really allow for cities as detailed as BG3 or TW3.

    Skyrim also has far more in depth NPC, which have routines going all the way from waking up in the morning till they go back to bed. That surely adds scalability issues.

    They could do a hybrid approach. Have many unenterable buildings and generic NPCs. But I’m not sure that’s a good idea. That’d make things look bigger, but it wouldn’t really be that much more content and it’d kinda waste our time in traveling to the good stuff. Or they could scale things down. They don’t actually need to span an entire province. They could have focused entirely on one city and surrounding area. But it does come at the cost of more limited lore options and a less varied map.

    Personally, I like the Skyrim cities. They’re flawed, but very fun. Not a lot of games have the level of NPC detail that Skyrim has and none of them have the kind of massive, open world that Skyrim and Fallout have (I’d love more games like those).

  • Persona is definitely one of those games that really hits you when it’s over. In part I think it’s cause it’s just so damn long. You spend a long time getting attached to characters and it being your daily activity. But also, the format of the games is just very relatable. Sure, it’s got fantasy elements, but the school and calendar format grounds the game into something more relatable. The game’s story is heavily focused on building up friendships.

    Plus that fantasy element plays a part. It’s what makes the game world something unachievable for the real you. You’ll never have the grand, world-saving adventures of the video game. You could make some friends and such, but you’ll never bond over saving the world or catching a killer or the likes. The end of games like Persona tend to make me think a lot about that.

    I’ve seen this called “post Harry Potter syndrome” or “post anime syndrome” before. It’s very common for a variety of works, but I think the recurring theme is usually that you invest a lot of time into a character driven work where building friendships and some kind of adventure is the key element.

  • Honestly, I found it hard to enjoy too, even though I finished the game. The game can be really fun, but it can also get a bit annoying to realize that you have missed something on a planet and if you did, it might take a boring amount of time to find what. The problem is that the save limitations means you basically have to waste a ton of time whenever you were wrong about something or mess up. The ship computer can hint at when a planet has more to see, but it’s not necessarily easy to figure out where to go, how to reach it, or if you’re supposed to do a different planet first to get a hint.

    Fuck Brittle Hollow. I almost quit the game with how much time that stupid planet wasted. A quick save/load function would have made the game massively more fun for me. Replaying stuff I’ve already done because the game has bleh checkpointing is just not fun.

  • A sizable number of them are simply glad about articles like this. It’s not about protecting children or anything. It’s about punishing women. I think a lot of GOP supporters don’t even explicitly think “I want to punish women”, but they implicitly enjoy when it happens. It’s more about imposing their religious beliefs than about anyone’s life or the likes.

    And another sizable chunk are just apathetic. They’ll be willing to ignore stuff like this because it’s worth it in their mind to hurt LGBT people or whichever other GOP policy drives them. They’ll tell themselves this is just a tragic accident in their quest for the greater good, never viewing this as an entirely foreseeable consequence or even the outright goal.

  • All websites where you can post comments and all multiplayer video games are social media to some degree. And would become so to an even more degree if you ever somehow magically banned kids from more mainstream sites (which is a comical pipe dream that might actually make the sites more appealing).

    So basically, they’re proposing the internet be blocked for minors. No, they don’t actually mean that. You see, they want the sites they dislike to be blocked. Like Facebook. But not the things they use like Lemmy. You see, they’re better than you, so the things they like are okay. It’s just the things you like that are dumb and harmful.