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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • I’m all for a painless way out for people who genuinely have no hope, who are going to die a painful death or live an existence of torture where there is zero medical, technological, or social solution to ease their lives.

    But it’s crazy to me that so many people are against the death penalty because of the risk of a mistake, but they’re perfectly okay with assisted suicide that has zero oversight. You’d have thought they’d absolutely see this coming since they know how little the 1% cares about them.

  • And thus all violence then and forever against Jews was justified.

    Of course I know about it asshole. If you think this in any way justifies any violence, then I’ve got some news for you. It was in response to violence perpetrated by Muslims against Jews, so I guess this massacre was justified we’re going to by current day leftist logic. I mean, if it’s right to respond to the massacres perpetrated by Hamas with “you reap what you sow”, then we can say the same thing about this. Read the link you fucking linked dumbass.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right, so I obviously do not support atrocities such as that and condemn them. Just feel like I need to make that distinction for simpletons such as you.

  • Yes? Terrorists from neighboring countries already attack Israel, a vastly stronger military force than they are. We literally just saw Hamas terrorists gladly launch themselves into suicide attacks to hurt Israel. There are multiple nations near Israel (i.e. Iran) that don’t give a fuck about the UN.

    It doesn’t have to be an organized military from a sovereign nation to attack and kill hundreds or thousands. If you want to actually stop the regional violence you would need to disarm the entire Middle East.

  • Only savage, ruthless men purposefully murder dozens of babies in an agricultural community.

    There’s been decades of legitimate attempts at peace, and the only party that has stood in the way are Palestinians themselves. At one point, Israel even had proposed a plan that would link Gaza and the West Bank with their own elevated highway and railway. They would have had their own autonomy and Israel would have kept or guarded the territory that was a security risk to them (i.e. being able to fire artillery at Tel Aviv). But that wasn’t good enough for Arafat.

    Educate yourself on the history of the region, on the atrocities committed by both sides (the sinking of the USS Liberty by Israel, the latest barbarism by Palestinians, etc), and on all the failed attempts at peace. The only rational conclusion to come to is that the majority of the Palestinian population support Hamas and are brainwashed, genocidal maniacs.

    Speaking as someone who has been to the Middle East for industrial projects and visited multiple Arab countries, the only “apartheid” states in the Middle East are Arab ones. I’ve been on projects where Muslims tried to separate Americans with PhDs and Masters degrees from their teams and put them in slums just because of the color of their skin or their ancestry.

    Sick of all the vulgar “white girl” naivety in Western culture. Some societies and cultures are just evil, and the brainwashing of their children needs to be stopped.