Lemmington Bunnie

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It’s also helped me find the names of several books and films that have been rattling around in my mind, some for decades, which actually made me very happy because not remembering that sort of thing drives me a little mad.

    I’m stuck on two books that it can’t work out - both absolute trash pulp fiction, one that I stopped reading because it was so terrible and the other that was so bad but I actually wouldn’t mind reading again.

    Oh well, can’t have it all.

  • My hairdresser was disassociating due to PTSD and stuck her hand into the mower blade because it was gunked up and not moving. She forgot to turn it off and sliced her hand up, and can no longer do her job.

    Should we ban mowers?

    My uncle in law came off a motorbike and was sliced apart by a guardrail, and died.

    Should we ban motorbikes? Guardrails? Both?

    Some things come with risk but bring greater reward. We need to weigh risk vs reward, and in the balance, nuclear comes out much further ahead - as long as it built and maintained to a high standard. It’s also much, much safer and less harmful than the current options like coal.