One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • The directional pad is four separate buttons. Up down left right. I want them to be like the c buttons on the Nintendo 64 controller. Separate.

    What ends up happening with me is that I’ll press down but not squarely down. There is a good chance I’ll press partially to the left or right while using smaller d pads. This causes extra inputs I didn’t intend to do happen. The ds made playing tetris much harder on me than it should have for me.

  • You’ve been missing out. Customizable vapes allow for flavor and nicotine customizations as well. I weened myself off of the nicotine some years ago, but I do still occasionally take a poof of the melon mix that I like.

    The part that’s wild to me is people who have the option to never touch the addictive agent of smoking still opt into it for some strange reason.

  • I mean… we grow teeth a total of 3 times. The first for our baby teeth, the second time for our ‘mature’ teeth, and the make up ‘wisdom’ teeth to fill any that might’ve fallen out at that point. I’m guessing those three growths were the most needed for humans early survival before we got all fancy with farming and hygiene. At which point we kind of broke survival of the fittest and things just kind of happen now.

    Kind of like how humans are one of a handful of mammals that didn’t evolve out of menstruation.