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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • So they fucked up one time 50 years ago and thus the entire process is deemed to be flawed?

    Nope, it’s only an example. Castor caskets have always been critized for safety issues, especially because testing wasn’t done thoroughly enough. That’s not a mistake, it’s a systematic issue.

    Your second paragraph is just not a good argument. We should opt for the safest feasible option and that is not nuclear. It has safety issues (especially with waste), takes too long to build and is too expensive.
    By the way, for the reasons you mentioned (and more) you will not see me arguing for hydro power, and also I strongly argue for reducing the use if cars. The issue is, we have a straight up fetish for cars, to the point that we swipe away legislations that would improve the safety of drivers and non-involved (like a general speed limit on the Autobahn). Cars in Germany are similar to guns in the US regarding their respective standings in society. It is simply irrational.

    I can’t find the source for you claiming higher cases of thyroid cancer and leukemia due to the leak of hazardous materials from the Asse-II mine.

    Auswertung des EKN zur Krebshäufigkeit in den Gemeinden Cremlingen, Stadt Wolfenbüttel, SG Baddeckenstedt, SG Oderwald, SG Schladen, SG Schöppenstedt und SG Sickte is the source.

    By the way, there is still no disposal site deemed safe enough for final storage of nuclear waste in germany.

  • Actually, the plan was to phase out coal and nuclear while building up wind and solar and using gas as a bridge. That was 2004. Then a coalition of conservatives and social democrats took over from the coalition of social democrats and greens in 2005 and coal was back on the menu and the exit from.nuclear was postponed, over time devastating the renewable industries almost completely. 2011 with Fukushima happened, nuclear was to be exited sooner again, but nobody cared about renewables anymore under a coalition of conservatives and libertarians. Meanwhile, Merkel said something about “Wandel durch Handel” (change by trade) and made the german power supply dependent on Russia and Putin by buying too much gas there, which backfired completely in 2022 (because nobody in Europe cared in 2014) and the now again green minister of economics had to deal with it, but the nuclear exit was done by now, without having build up renewables in the meantime as planned almost 20 years before.

    So no, shutting down nuclear was not the reason gas plants kept working as long as they did, conservatives (and socdems and libertarians as their junior partners) shutting down renewables are the reason.

    Coal power production is now much lower than before they shut off their nuclear power plants

    But it could have been even lower.

    Yes, but not because of exiting nuclear.

    Edit: also, gas power plants and nuclear power plants have different tasks.

    Second edit: nuclear isn’t exactly clean either.

  • Of course the illegal invasion by Russia was aggression, like Iraq and Afghanistan and all wars are aggression. But it was foreseeable and preventable through diplomacy.

    You do realize that deplomacy and negotiations were tried before the war, in the beginning of the war and continue ever since, right? It doesn’t work because Putin doesn’t want to actually negotiate. Putin is not interested in a diplomatic resolution. Putin wands to expand his empire and eradicate Ukraine as a people, it’s culture, identity, language, everything. It’s a genocide. Putin is literally Hitler (and as a German, I’m not pulling this comparison lightly).

    Ukraine proxy war

    Don’t drink paint.

  • Germany just tries closing its borders with “smart controls” (which basicalle means racial profiling). Every political party except the Left wants to deport “criminal migrants” (“criminal” being a fig leaf here) (and even in the Left there are some who want to deport). German lawmakers are pushing for more and more restrictions, cutting financial support for refugees, leaning on populistic measures, abusing statistics left and right and so on and so forth

    This article isn’t about that though. It’s about rising xenophobia, a climate of fear and racism constructed and driven forward by the AfD (the party that’s too far right even for Italy’s post fascists) and how migrants and citizens with migration backgrounds don’t feel safe and welcome anymore.