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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Post communist refers to the party succession. Die Linke is the successor of the PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus), which fused with the WASG (Arbeit & soziale Gerechtigkeit – Die Wahlalternative) to form Die Linke. And the PDS itself was the successor of the SED (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus), which in turn was formed in East Germany by fusing the local SPD & KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands).

    But yes, Wagenknecht is an odd one, because she also holds a lot of the far right positions, very similar to the AfD. But to show more of her character, one has to also realize her party name: BSW - Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht
    She literally uses her own name for it, which I find highly narcissistic.

  • I have a lot of respect for voice actors and their work. Many of my favorite games are what they are because of them, because their work managed to bring those characters to life. However, I’m also a little bit torn on that matter, because many of them also decided to go after people using their voice models for modding projects to improve their favorite games. I don’t mind if they go against those who try to monetize on that but the majority of that type of work is completely free, from the community, for the community, without any intentions to capitalize on it.

    With that in mind I feel I at least lose sympathy for at least some of them, because they kinda act in a similar way as those big companies.

    I’m still not a fan of said companies potentially gaining some sort of copyright on those actors voices either though, as they’d do the same thing, not caring about potential fair use.

  • Examples like this are of course hard for me to judge from the outside. Is boycotting China as much as possible because of their government sinophobic already?
    I’m talking about proper disinformation & extremistic comments, like genocide apologists, calls for violence and such. I think there’s things we can agree to disagree on, and things that just shouldn’t have a place at all on any sort of social media, because of their fundamentally destructive nature to our societies.

  • I didn’t contribute to Reddit either, at least not in form of submissions, but I think my Reputation points make it obvious enough that I am in fact still contributing through user interaction. Just because you not liking what I have to say does not change that. With that in mind, if all people thought like me, there would at least be a lot more going on in the Fediverse as I’m definitely way more active than the majority of users in the fediverse.

    And I’m looking for content, not to provide it myself. Especially not for subs & communities who refuse to do their moderation properly, or even straight up ban those who tried to help through reporting offending content. I’m sick and tired of playing the unpaid worker for abusive overlords on a power trip. There has been way too much faith lost for me to care.