Stuff like this might actually be what unravels the Trump administration. The military industrial complex is far more powerful than any of the people Orange Julius has surrounded himself with, and they will not like taking losses to appease his ego.
Stuff like this might actually be what unravels the Trump administration. The military industrial complex is far more powerful than any of the people Orange Julius has surrounded himself with, and they will not like taking losses to appease his ego.
The techbros all support Fascism, and any kind of free expression is a roadblock for them to make it happen.
“One billion percent tariffs!” - DJT next week
I remember many years ago, there were two little girls that went missing about the same time. One was white, the other black. The little white girl just got lost and was found pretty quickly, and her story dominated the news for weeks. Meanwhile, the little black girl (I think it was in West Virginia) had been kidnapped by a sadistic couple who abused and tortured her until one night she chewed through her bindings, escaped, and trekked through the forest for days before finding help. She barely got a “missing girl found” blurb on the news. The fact that she barely got any news coverage actually became a bigger story later on than her actual kidnapping did at the time. It was infuriating.
Don’t even get me started on the missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) phenomenon that not only gets next to zero media coverage, but also a severe lack of law enforcement attention.
Ladder Pullers.
I bet you money she doesn’t speak out against the anti-DEI policies Vance is pushing.
Was it him burning down all the churches? I totally forgot who was involved… Damn. Yeah he’s an idiot. But I still support the action.
Name an industry that if they had this many child sexual predators, wouldn’t be immediately shut down and banned from operating ever again.
Seriously. Can you imagine if, say, NASA had the same ratio of child sexual predators as Christian churches do? Or Applebee’s? Or Jiffy Lube? They’d all have to close up shop. Hell, there’s a daycare in my town that was in business for 30 years, and a teacher got busted for diddling a kid. That place was done for THAT WEEK. Doors closed, never opened again. Probably tens of thousands of kids came through that place just fine, but all it took was ONE, and they were kaput.
These fucking churches need to be shut the fuck down. Those black metal guys in the 90s had the right idea.
That’s the default setting for Democrats in every situation, until there’s a whiff of class solidarity in the air. Then the Democrats suddenly become the most powerful force imaginable, able to tank campaigns and careers with a phone call.
I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
American media is 50% terrified of criticizing him and losing access, and 50% complicit.
You can openly call for the death penalty for people seeking an abortion, or for the extrajudicial execution of immigrants, but Satan forbid you up vote a cartoon of your favorite green hat wearing Nintendo plumber.
It’s wild. You can go on Reddit and openly discuss why you think Hitler may have been the good guy, but if you up vote some AI art of Luigi, you get banned.
Thanks. It’s an homage to my banned Reddit account.
I’ve had two accounts on Reddit, one got permabanned a few months ago, and I deleted the other a few days ago. The first one was my oldest account. Over a decade old, and massive karma. I also had my own sub where I shared my writing, and had a few thousand subscribers.
Back when that incel neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes got doxxed on Twitter, I made a joke saying “as an incel, he should be glad that women know where he lives now in case they want to share a cocktail with him”, with a gif of a Molotov cocktail. Permabanned for “promoting/glorifying violence”. I thought it was funny, but fine. That one is on me.
My other account, which was seven years old and had high karma, got banned from probably half a dozen subs in the past week or so for just mentioning Luigi, or even just up voting posts and comments mentioning him. That was when I decided Reddit was no longer for me.
It’s one thing to ban someone for the kind of joke I made. While it was obviously a joke, it was still an overt glorification of violence. So I get that. But just for up voting a comment mentioning Luigi’s name in a nonviolent context?
You don’t need the + to include things on Google.
Yeah I don’t know why I added that. Kinda dumb on my part.
And just for funsies—you can use related: as an operator to find sites that are similar to something.
I think this is what OP was really looking for. I did a Google search for “ukraine related:lemmy -site:reddit.com” and got this, which seems to be the kind of results OP is looking for:
Yeah I’m new to Lemmy and still getting used to the whole instance thing. Apparently you can use “related:” to include results that are similar. In the below example, I did a Google search for “ukraine related:lemmy -site:reddit.com”.
Also keep in mind that the chuds have been making a concerted push to go around Reddit and report every anti-fascist post and comment they can find. Between that and the recent Reddit crackdown against anything Luigi related, the place is quickly turning into StormFront 2.0.
I had to open the link to check it, because a lot of times this happens automatically when the link just pulls the first picture from the article to use as the thumbnail. But nope, there wasn’t a single picture of AOC in the article, and the hyperlink of her name was the fifth link down in the article. This was intentional.
If you traveled back in time and told J. Edgar Hoover that in the future, the American public voluntarily wire-tapped themselves, he would cream his frilly pink panties.