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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2023


  • Is my one life really more important than multiple other peoples?

    I’m not saying your life is more important than multiple others, I’m pointing out the risk you’re asking others to take. If the person you’re asking to take that risk has responsibility to their own family, children, possibly elder family members, then we’re still discussing impacting the lives of multiple people on both sides of the fence.

    I agree that testing like this is shit, but until that’s changed or at least somehow improved, then “just lie about it” is an unrealistic expectation.

  • “Why does one of the parties fight against people voting?”

    In general, high voter turn out leans left.

    And each state determines the rules for voting. I’m in Illinois, so when I register I’m assigned a polling place. When I go there to vote, I give them my name (no need for ID) they find it in a book, I sign a thing and they give me a ballot and tear off a receipt that I keep. I’m in a traditionally Democratic/blue State.

    Republican/Red states tend to do what they can to make voting harder, like frequent purging of voter registration (and not notifying people that they’re not registered anymore) or making it nearly impossible to vote by mail, then require voting in person and limiting the number of places you can vote to the point people stand in line for hours. Oh yeah, then make it illegal to offer people waiting in line a bottle of water.

  • I’ve worn contacts for almost 40 years, but got tired of using readers these last several years to be able to, you know, read. After unsuccessfully trying multivocal contacts, I got progressive glasses. My vision? GREAT? The 3 weeks it took to get my brain used to moving my head more and my eyes just right (especially while driving) so that seeing the right part of my prescription wasn’t swinging all over the place and making me nauseous? Fucking hell. That was absolute torture. It’s worth it on the other side at least.

    I do kinda miss contacts. I may get a second opinion for my prescription and try again.

  • Not sure of the ages of your children, but as a 52yo who grew up in the States, I averaged 2-3 hours of homework a night in grade school. They’d tell us “oh, it’s only about 15-20 minutes per class” which doesn’t sound terrible, except that it was more like 20-30 minutes of work x 4-6 classes. By 7th grade I burned out and realized that the world didn’t end if I started skipping homework, and my test grades remained about the same. I just had to live with the stifling anxiety over getting in trouble for not getting my homework done.

    Thankfully by the time my kids came along schools started pulling back on the volumes of unnecessary homework. I also never pressured them to get every assignment done, but instead asked them if they understood what they were doing. As adults having completed further educational programs, they did just fine. I’m glad that as time goes on, kids are getting more of a chance to be kids.

  • It depends? I know some people who have low tolerance to anything scary/horror or even intensely suspenseful and would lose sleep over some of the things I go to sleep listening to. I don’t truly scare easily, but there are some stories that under the right circumstances will creep me out enough to want some eye bleach before going to bed in the house alone. My favorite is when I have my earbuds set to noise cancelling and I really get into a story and think that someone else in the house is gone or sleeping, then I see them and scare the shit out of myself lol.

  • Something I haven’t seen other commenters bring up that can have a huge impact, is the overall lifestyles people are living.

    The unhealthiest years of my life were when I was working 2 jobs and struggling to keep a roof over mine and my 3 kids heads. Stress and depression were huge problems and money was tight, so sometimes the little bit of dopamine or serotonin from eating a “treat” were the highlights of the day. Add to that, the guilt of not being around to cook regular meals for my kids lead to 1) making large amounts of food on my one day off that could be eaten as leftovers throughout the week or 2) easy convenience foods (frozen pizzas, boxed Mac and cheese, etc) that the kids could make when I wasn’t around.

    Fast forward many years - my kids are adults taking care of themselves and I’m down to 1 good job that offers financial stability. My diet and health have completely changed. I actually have the time and energy to cook and plan better.

    I’m not saying this to shift blame or responsibility, but to bring a different experience. When I hear (hopefully well meaning) people suggest “just cook healthier meals” it strikes me about the same as “stop eating avocado toast and you could afford a house.”